mardi 24 décembre 2013

Liquid Diet Results For Weight Loss

By Susan Field

The following things will harm your liquid diet results? If you have ever tried to lose weight on a liquid diet before and have had initially good results only to be disappointed with weight gain later on, then read this article in full.

Is it possible that the foods you have been told are healthy for weight loss are not? Do you eat whole grains like bread and cereal? You may be undoing all of the good work of a liquid diet see below:

1.) - Alcohol will damage your liquid diet results. Your liquid diet should NEVER include any alcohol. This toxin is made by converting sugars into alcohol chemically. Many people don't realise that alcohol has nearly as many calories per gram as sugar.

Here is how alcohol damages your efforts to lose weight. Alcohol does in fact have a lot of calories 7 K Calories per gram. Many people ignore the hidden calories in alcohol when dieting.

Secondly drinking regular and moderate amounts of alcohol will block important biological processes within your liver which are fundamental for the effective mobilisation of fat inside your body.

2.) -Tropical fruit. Incorporating too many sugar loaded fruits in your diet. When people first experiment with liquid diet recipes they often blend or juice tropical fruits. The web is full of talking head videos of people looking super fit and toned making tropical fruit smoothies.

So if you want to avoid having to spend a long time working out and lifting heavy weights at the gym, I suggest you leave out these overly sweet fruits from your fruit smoothies.

3.) - Eliminate bread and wheat from your diet straight away if you want to see a rapid reduction in your waist line.

The 'wheat belly' study clearly demonstrates that wheat gluten causes inflammation within the tissues around the abdomen and that wheat can have a similar effect on the body to consuming refined sugar.

So what can you eat for breakfast for liquid diet results? A liquid replacement meal prepared by blending low GI fruits like berries and oats will produce an ideal balance of carbohydrate energy for breakfast. Adding protein whey powder will also prevent hunger for longer.

Learn to love the green smoothie these recipes can have a profound positive effect on your hormones, blending vegetables and herbs with apples and pears will produce stunning results.

Aim to include whole food sources that contain healthy fats, the Avocado is a fantastic source of nutrients and healthy omega 3 oils that will prevent hunger too.

Check out our website for all of the recipes you will need to ensure a successful diet that prevents hunger, increases energy and has long term health benefits for your whole body.

Liquid Diet Results For Weight Loss

About the Author:

Discover the Secret to Weight Loss Success with Liquid Diet Results

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