mardi 8 avril 2014

Winning the war against sugar addiction (Your health is at risk if you lose )

By Valerie Mills

Valerie Mills Expert Author

You know if you are addicted to sugar - you crave chocolate , sweets, cakes (I like icing) , donuts (especially with Bavarian cream) or ice cream. The holidays are the worst time for sugar addicts . Easter basket , sweets and biscuits , Christmas and Thanksgiving desserts are great temptations .

You're like a smoker sneaking into the cold winter air for a few puffs, we stopped to pick up barrels of root beer in the local food market. Then you eat the whole package in one sitting . Or three servings of ice cream in front of the TV . Or a whole box of cookies marshmallow .

Fresh food is your friend , your comfort when things do not go your way , your spouse spends too much time surfing the net, or your boss is dragging ass.

Furthermore, you are fighting this war with the food industry. One of the best ways to " benefit from the sale of food is to get customers hooked on their level of food full of sugar - . This way , they will buy more of the same not only tastes good , it is also addictive and commodity Save - .. addicted clients the same benefits as the tobacco industry snuff .

There are many "healthy" foods mixed with sugar which is amazing. See yogurt grocery . It is difficult to find a yogurt that is not full of sweet fruit .

How to win the war against the candy?

In theory, it's easy. I remember a New Age philosopher speaks quit. Their methodology - "Do not put the cigarette in his mouth . "

You must be thinking, " great theory ! In practice , it is difficult to stop putting sugary foods in the mouth. "

Unfortunately, there is only one way to stop smoking - change your mindset that insists that the cigarette is a friend and think of him as a monster and the enemy.

Even sugar - a life of excessive sugar consumption leads to the end of his life the misery of a variety of diseases ( diabetes, heart disease). Only you can not think of disease - we think the enemy - sugar - and how to defeat the enemy. Sugar is not and has never been your friend!

The good news is that when sugar consumption is limited to a few days , eat a piece of chocolate will have a powerful sweet taste !

Fortunately, you will not even try to eat , because eating a bite will take you to re- addicted.

You can win the war on sugar
The first step to stop sugar addiction is to find a plan "forever" that supports eating low sugar / low carbohydrate intake .

Click here to get free information on a meal plan that will end sugar addiction and help you lose 20 pounds in a month .

What is preventive medicine helps reduce the costs of health care?

By Shalini Mittal

We have all heard that "prevention is better than cure" and we know how maxim rings true for everyone. Those who have a healthy lifestyle are much less likely to fall prey to a host of diseases . To keep people healthy , doctors tend to practice preventive medicine. In fact, it is a branch of medicine which gives special recognition under the American Board of Medical Specialties . It focuses on the health and well -being not only of individuals but of populations and communities defined . Death, disability and illness can give a great fight today because this branch .

The scope of preventive medicine

Those who specialize in the field of preventive medicine are doctors who have a great contribution to society, because they use their knowledge base and skills they have acquired from the study not only of medical science, but also social and economic, and behavioral sciences . This is mainly the reason why these doctors are on board to keep the services of health care , research into the causes of diseases affecting a particular demographic group and on the board of several organizations care health .

Several years of research have been in the field of preventive medicine and a lot of literature on it can be read in medical journals of the Internet. Many articles on the Internet Medicine said again and again that preventive medicine is a way to reduce health care costs . If we can help those who are prone to diseases of lifestyle , not always reduce the costs of health care. In fact , it could be quite the opposite.

Medical internet newspaper about five years ago had predicted that if the vast majority, 90 percent of Americans would use preventive services would save only 0.2 percent of the total costs of care healthy nation. Some vaccines , especially those for children may be cost savings because they are cheap , but when it comes to saying something like tests for diseases such as prostate cancer , it is sure not equivalent to a benefit . The second and perhaps more important reason why preventive medicine does not lead to significant savings for health is a large number of people who need to use prevention services to prevent or eliminate a particular disease .

Preventive medicine may add to their health care costs

Prevention itself costs a lot of money and when it comes to expensive tests that could actually add the overall costs of health care. Online medical association said that for some patients who show early signs of the disease , preventive medicine can be useful, but probably not possible to examine thousands of patients to find the likelihood or occurrence of a disease.

Therefore, if you are looking for an answer to the question " preventive medicine will save the costs of health care ," the answer is a resounding no. However, this does not mean that you should avoid the occasional projections , but when you do, you must make rational use of them .

Click here to learn more about Internet Medical Journal.

lundi 7 avril 2014

Top 5 Foods for Flat Abs

By Leo Eigenberg

Diet and well-planned exercise is sure to help you get flat abs. Sources of adequate food in the diet can help maintain a healthy metabolism and control the swelling belly . Here are five of the best foods to help promote belly :


Apple is mainly composed of water (up 85%), which is beneficial to make you feel full. A large block can contain up to 5 - grams of fiber. They also contain quercetin compound, which is known to help promote lung health , reduce cholesterol damage and fight certain cancers.


Berries are packed with fiber. A diet with a suitable number of fibers (20 to 30 grams per day -) means they are less likely to absorb as many calories during the day. The berries are also rich in antioxidants. This may provide protection against some serious diseases like cancer. Antioxidants are also useful for the formation because of the ability to improve blood circulation . This means that the muscles are able to work more efficiently.

Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are low in calories and for some help to reduce the size . A cup of broccoli has 50 calories , while a cup of spinach is 45 calories. This can help give up to 20% of the requirement of fiber per day . They are also appreciated for providing an excellent source of calcium. Green leafy vegetables can give an ideal fuel for the planned training.


The probiotic bacteria contained in yogurt is very useful for the digestive system . This is true in the sense of an apartment facing the stomach due to the smaller constipation, bloating and gas . In addition, obtaining the source of calcium necessary for yogurt helps tone in the region of the middle section .

sea ​​fish

Oily sea fish such as mackerel , tuna and salmon is a great source of omega - 3 fatty acids. An adequate intake of these healthy fats can encourage the process of fat combustion necessary to improve the efficiency of metabolism. Seafood is also reported to help prevent cravings and slows the digestive system. It is also an excellent source of protein that is respectful of the stomach area .

In short , including a selection of dishes - Nice abs , it is certainly possible to get better results when it comes to tone the stomach and the related areas of the body. You must also plan stomach exercises to ensure you get the best results when combined with the consumption of healthy foods.

Get more information on nutrition and health comprehensive products by visiting

Top 3 exercises that guarantee weight loss in 10 days

By Smit Cribat

The exercise has endured as the most reliable method of weight loss . Humans are designed to be active . Our muscles have been developed to treat a variety of applications . Our management systems heat are the best in the entire animal kingdom. Modern conveniences have made us less appreciated these enviable driving skills each let our air conditioning on .

Countless Benefits

The exercise has more benefits than can be discussed adequately. This is the key to better posture, improved mood , increased libido , better sleep , better posture, increased energy levels and manage diabetes. Of course, that does not prevent death, but postponed.

We live at a time when exercise is an option. Most people avoid because it is too hard. Therefore, it is not surprising that we have a huge global problem of obesity is not likely to defuse in the years to come.

Top 3 Exercises to lose weight

Joining a gym where you can barely walk a mile , it's like jumping into a pool deep end result will always be deeply troubling . However, if the decision to turn overcomes his fear of staying the same , there are some effective exercises that you can start . They will help you achieve weight loss in just 10 days .

They include :


Walking is often suggested as a good exercise to lose weight, but the race is better . Operation involves more muscles , including the heart and increases the speed at which the fat is passed . The amount of sweat dripping on your clothes will be a testimony of how dynamic this particular exercise is . Anyone attest to have lost many pounds are jogging enthronement as the most important change catalyzed year.


It gives the same advantages as the running. The only difference is the bike you can cover a much longer distance , and do longer. It also offers the freedom of increasing intensity to increase fat loss .


Unlike the other two , it's all body muscles. Swimming a few laps a day will help you to notice a significant change of scale in just 10 days .

Adding a supplement to your fat burning exercise plan , as rich extract chlorogenic of green coffee beans help your results more dramatic acid. Try to find the motivation to keep exercising. If 10 days make a significant difference , imagine what ten weeks or months can do.

If you want to lose up to 17.5 pounds in less than 22 weeks without exercise or visit the website of the maximum power of green coffee bean and start losing weight immediately visit /

Fitness : What does this mean for you?

Darren Moroney

Expert Author Darren Moroney

Fitness: What is for you ?

Fitness is defined as the condition of being physically fit and healthy , and the quality of being able to perform a function or a particular task. But what has the ability to ? For each person, it means something different.

For most , it will be to maintain good health as long as possible. The body is composed of various systems that work together as one machine . When all components are in good working condition and works well. But some parts are exhausted or suffer from a lack of care and systems begin to fail , then the whole machine breaks down .

No service unlike your car, when well maintained over the years has last longer. If you do not look after , for example, the oil is not changed, the life of the car will be shortened. Finally, it will cost more money, and if you assimilate it to your body, then you are reducing your life for days , weeks or even years. Your body is not infinite , it can take punishment, but should be careful.

Whatever you decide is the reason to take more seriously fitness must become a priority . By integrating your life and becomes a part of your routine, then there will be a task that you will be able to enjoy the benefits it offers.

After finding your motivation for fitness should not be something that must be fought . Think about a time when you were young and had to learn a new skill, like brushing teeth and dressing . Probably were not fun times , but you have mastered the skills lost consciousness and do it without thinking twice. Worried brushing something to think about ? Of course not , because it has become a habit ! This is how we want you to see fitness , not a tedious task, but most self dressed every day.

It becomes something . Most likely the first few weeks will be difficult as you enter the health and fitness in your life. You will be looking for the way out of the year. You tell yourself or others that is too hard. This is all just want your brain and let stand . Stay positive and keep the bigger picture in mind.

The fact is that they are more than capable and have masses of the will can be exercised. Stick to it and after a few weeks, you 'll be well on your way to good health.

Stand up and take a look at yourself now . What image do you see? Note the parts you are unhappy with and more than likely it is a place that has substandard parts to it.

For many people , the primary desire when deciding to get in shape is to lose weight, but believe me fitness is not just weight loss . There are many other factors that can affect your overall body health. By having a more comprehensive approach to your fitness will improve your quality of life and adds a few years of life you are currently living .

Say that weight loss is not the main reason for you to take your more important than that is great as health. You have taken the first step to being healthy.

Before you begin a path to health and well- being is recommended for overall health checked by a health professional to identify other areas that may need attention. Things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol can be as relative as overweight . The great thing is to place a priority on health can affect other parts of your life together .

Darren Moroney is a long exerciser and health professionals to help people achieve their health goals.

Check out my website :

The training plan

Darren David

Like any business in life, if a departure , dinner or even a garage sale , it is usually best to plan the event to get the best results from it. No planning an event , the risk of inefficiency, errors , excesses, budget increases and the list continues. Formatting is no different if you try to get in shape to do random pumps here and there or jogging in the park for a few minutes, turn the fitness levels is not usually sufficient to keep the first , motivation and secondly to develop a notable sign of fitness . To achieve maximum profitability for the time and effort you put in is what you need to have or follow any type of workout plan.

There are three main types of workout plan you can put together , just do for yourself or buy prepackaged . Each type of workout plan will be tailored to a particular person in different ways. The three types of plans are DIY plan , and the plan personal trainer DVD . Here is a brief introduction to each of the options.

DIY Workout Plan
It's just like he said. Those who know how it works can develop a routine and schedule. Decide how long and how often you want to work and make a list of exercises that you can do as push-ups, sit - ups , crunches, platform plank , squats, jump start , etc. etc. advantage Heisman this plan is that you can choose the exercises you want or like to do. The disadvantages of this are that you can not push as much as you need and choose exercises that are less demanding .

Personal Trainer training plan
If you 've ever been to a gym and paid for the services of a personal trainer, then you know that you will get a training plan well choreographed with the added benefit that someone pushes you to higher levels . Even if you do not want to go to the gym, you can still get a personal trainer personal training plan for a small fee . The advantages of this option are that you get a training plan tailored to your fitness level . The disadvantages of this option are that often need to visit the gym to do the work and pay the gym .

Plan training DVD
By far the most popular form of exercise in the present is in the comfort of your own home. Not necessarily using weight machines or a bench press , but by developing a series of DVDs . 100 1000 if no training DVD available in the market today , but by far the most popular DVD and heavier weight programs are the likes of P90X , insanity, Rush adjustment adjustment UFC, Turbo Fire and ruthless etc. These types of DVD workouts are high intensity developed to burn actual fat , build muscle and generally improve their overall fitness.

The advantages of this option is that you pay once to play DVD and can be used as many times as you wish. The plan is generally composed of a number of months or weeks in order to quickly slow down your body to a higher level of fitness . The disadvantages of this option is that it takes a little time , some training DVD Plans require some commitment and want to carry 6 or 7 times a week for an hour . But , by God, the results are fantastic if you stay with him.

About the author
Darren David is first and foremost a family man . I write about fitness and life style.One my current projects examines homeworkout DVD programs , current projects and many tips and ideas for training options at low cost. Click here for more >>>

Why Taekwondo is a beneficial program?

By Janet Slagell

Expert Author Janet Slagell

In recent decades , have become fascinated by the American martial arts. After all , there were dozens of films where martial arts have played an important role , there are dojos that offer courses in a wide range of technical control and balance, and was part of the Summer Olympics 1988 . And as anyone who has seen various forms of martial arts can tell , there are many positive things to get involved with this great activity.

Perhaps one of the most famous - most forms of martial art Taekwondo. In fact, there are over 20 million students and teachers involved in programs Taekwondo worldwide . But apart from the physical element (not that this aspect is not important!) What other benefits are there to participate in a program of taekwondo ?

Here are the top 5 reasons why a program Taekwondo is a great option for people of nearly every age .

A . A self increases. It is amazing to go from barely knowing how to put on the gi ( uniform real ) to perform skills such as patterns and forms, board breaking , kicking , punches , blocks and typing feel . However, as each of these actions are taught , especially when it comes to children , students should remember that martial arts are not about fighting , but the discipline and techniques .

Two . Building increased awareness through better balance, coordination , flexibility and mental acuity .

Three . Improving skills . More exercise and mental engagement , to be in a program Taekwondo has been shown to effectively improve students' grade point averages .

April. Taekwondo strengthens the body and improve health using isometric and dynamic tension exercises that gives you better muscle tone and strength. It works by using a gradual process that focuses on improving flexibility and breathing, which results in building muscles and reflexes and more sense .

May Strengthen families often , not only physically, but in the other and have a greater respect for each other as people connected. The skills acquired in a Taekwondo program support to develop patience, confidence , self -discipline, inner calm and a positive mental attitude ; also leads to help people overcome doubt, anger, envy , laziness and bad habits .

Taekwondo programs are a great help for anyone who takes them. Regardless of their age, their perceived exercise , weight or other factors that you think may be prohibitive capacity , consider enrolling in a program taekwondo near his home . Chances are, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results !

Many websites provide additional information on the subject of programs taekwondo. One such site worth visiting is

Janet writes articles for Slagell independently , Inc. for marketing search engine . The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and not of any other person, company or entity . No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, relevance or use the contents of this document.

vendredi 4 avril 2014

Top 10 Resorts weight loss

By Charles Tate

Posted Charles Tate

Many people struggle to lose weight at home , especially by the routine and the temptation can be difficult to treat simultaneously. For this reason, there are a variety of weight loss stations are advertising their services to the public where people can leave home on vacation and just focus on their goals of weight loss.

Weight loss Hilton Head Health Spa

This complex is based in South Carolina and consists of a closed complex of 800 acres offering programs of three days and a week. Those looking for a longer stay can opt for the package of nine months , which entitles them to 14 weeks at the station and the 24-week training inside your home.

Cooper Aerobics Center

This complex is based in Texas focuses on the balance between stress, nutrition and weight in a period of six days. The program allows people at two training sessions , meals , fitness classes and experience of dining out . Before a person signs up for the program, you must undergo a physical examination .

Cal- a- Vie Health Spa

As one of the centers of loss greater than 2,013 weight, Health Spa Cal -a- Vie allows visitors to choose from 130 different categories of fitness , cooking demonstrations , lectures, and spa treatments fresh meals every day. Customers can choose from three nights, four nights and seven night packages .

Canyon Ranch

Canyon Ranch is a resort that is located in the Sonoran Desert , Tucson. This complex was the recipient of a wide range of prices , including prices for its cuisine, yoga, fitness programs and hospitality . Both programs currently available in the Canyon Ranch include improving living programs and weight loss.

The Biggest Loser Fitness Resorts

The Biggest Loser Fitness Resorts appeared on television, and since then its popularity has soared. When visiting this facility, individuals can expect a very intense and a group-oriented approach that lasts seven days . Guests are expected to start the day with a walk .

The Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa

Each day begins with a stretching, cooking classes and lectures, and ends with a party, or Tai Chi lesson in this complex. Nestled amid 650 acres and decorated with fountains, gardens and fountains , the resort specializes in real world training to enable their customers to use what they learn at home.

Green Mountain at Fox Run

This complex was created specifically for women, focusing on body, mind and soul. The objective of this station is not to focus on the diet , but to change thought patterns of its customers to promote health and well -being.

Red Mountain Resort

This complex has been called the first-class spa in the world back in 2012 . It is located on a rocky cliff and has gardens of black lava , as well as 24 suites and 82 rooms. Custom programs , allowing customers to choose among them.

Miraval Resort

The Miraval resort focuses on self-discovery and promote it in all classes and activities announced.

The Ranch at Live Oak Malibu

This complex has a camp that lasts a week and consists of a maximum of 10 hours of mind-body exercises every day.

Each station has something unique to offer, so that some of the most promising in the world.

We are all creatures of habit. How do I know that after weighing up to 292 pounds and breathless at every turn. It was easy for me to fill it with chocolate cake and ice cream instead of eating the growth of the mother in good health food taught. Today, I am still a diabetic , but it is not necessary to continue taking glyburide metformin to control my blood sugar in the blood. For more information go to .

It's all right in the war against weight?

By Patricia E Cherry

Expert Author Patricia E Cherry

People come in all shapes and sizes. Each of us is an individual and have many body shapes that we face. Except for identical twins , no two faces of the same.

However, many of us try to imitate the latest trends.

Ridiculous statements come from the press when it comes to fashion . " Breasts are fashionable " or " The look this fall is narrow hips ! " As if we can change our body shapes for fashion ! What happens next year when the breasts are back in fashion again?

But people fall for it , and try to plan to change its shape. If they can not , they will go for liposuction or plastic surgery.

People go to extreme measures to be thin. Some plans are just passing through starvation diets . The diet may seem emaciated , and I wonder what will happen to their bodies as they age .

Will they lose bone density?

Will they be able to fight against the disease?

There will be no nutrients in your body to fall back on when they are sick .

Can anyone define the point of danger today?

We have a BMI chart , which uses a table to show that we are underweight, overweight, obese or morbidly obese. A healthy BMI is supposed to be between 19 and 25 years. It is estimated that between 25 and 30 is overweight. 30 and 35 is in the overweight category and 35 below has morbid obesity.

I have a BMI of 26. But I'm healthier than I am, and I have friends who say the same thing themselves. Current studies are wondering if being in the overweight category is safer than normal weight.

However , we are still in the midst of an obesity epidemic. We ask people to be thin to be accepted , but the body become bigger! Therefore, we lose touch with the reality of what our body and just look what we should or should not eat.

We see people in restaurants, and if you are fat , we consider what they eat. We use expressions like "Oh , you're still good" I hate that phrase and is generally used only if you eat a salad !

When you eat out , what do you base your decisions on ?

How much time has elapsed since you have chosen what you really want?

Maybe your choice is based on what people will think !

There are many reasons why people choose what they will eat , but rarely for the right reasons . If you feel guilty and delivered probably say they'll be back on the diet tomorrow ! Or the person feels the need to explain why - if certain foods that can get a comment are ignored.

Often heard is the expression. "It 's not fair , she eats everything and never puts Oz " I remember when I was stuck in my days diet sitting at a bar with my husband and watch people have their dessert. I had not one, but looked longingly thought: " This is not fair , none of these people has a weight problem, but I do , and I 'm the one who goes without him " but the question is " what is not fair ? "

How do I know ? How could I tell anyone what I was doing at home? I was just watching what was happening in the pub at the time! I was outraged , but had no reason to feel this way. For all he knew she could go on a diet at home and ate for a gift!

Although I had weight problems in the past, and even though I 'm overweight for a stone in recent years, in fact over the last twenty years of my life , I was a size reasonable. Maybe this can be a little more weight , but by whose standards ?

I 've had people tell me , "Why do you worry about your weight? Do not have a weight problem. " They assume because I look thinner , there is no weight problem. They see all the hard work to be thin ! Then I must tell you that I am thin , because the work to be thin .

That said, however , I have no problem with my weight now, I decided exactly what I eat, and I 'll take it. It is ironic that now accuse me of being difficult! But it does not bother me at all, because it is much better to be worrying about losing weight!

Many people I know who have weight problems can not accept that we have a choice. Or we have to eat properly and not fall into sugary foods , starches or refined , or we catch being fat ! We can not have both. But he said : "It is not fair " is self- indulgence !

All this comes to mind today when I was with a friend who received a giant muffin ! She always asks me if I have something to eat when we have coffee outside . She can not accept that I am happy not to have something to actually eat !

When I am in the house of someone else, and I say no to something that offers me , they look so surprised and feel sorry for me because I can not have it. I can not convince them that I will not! They are judging my feelings, what it would feel to have to say no!

Another phrase I hear is " good for you, you have a strong will! " Words will always miss that! I do not have a strong desire to just accept that I have a choice . If I gain weight , I'll have a bagel. But I do not want to gain weight, so I do not have a bagel. Easy!

To lose weight and keep it requires a lot of work. Indeed, any goal requires work .

Tiger Woods started playing golf at the age of 2 !

At a concert pianist practices for hours every day to stay in shape.

There is no magic wand, but I can testify that pay at the end .

It is unfair that you can not lose weight? Or you can change your way of thinking?

I'm a weight management coach and I help people with weight problems and food by changing the way they think . I was a chronic dieter for over forty years, and then I realized that all regimes in the world will not make a difference until I change my mind and change my attitude to the respect not only the choice of food , but my lifestyle in general. I help people to see how they can change their way of thinking and beliefs and find a way out of the trap they are in constant need to lose weight and overcome what they believe is a failure in itself . Once you can get a belief in yourself and what you are, you're confident in yourself , and I know you will win. You can download my free book " Reflections of a Chronic Dieter" when you subscribe to my newsletter . Look for my next book " 20 ways to cope with your struggle with weight. " Coming in September.

jeudi 3 avril 2014

Orthotics for plantar fasciitis and other foot disorders

By Fred David

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition experienced by thousands of people every year. Is considered the result of overuse or abnormal foot mechanics and pain of the injury to the area of the foot can become debilitating unless effective treatment is applied. Orthotics are the treatment of choice for most people , they made ​​popular medical device .

Today, there are many options to choose from when selecting braces. There was a time when the only way to get braces went through a medical specialist foot care . This is no longer true because now these items can be purchased in many commercial outlets or through online sites individually .

The good news is that orthotics are available to anyone who needs them . Chiropractors, podiatrists and other professionals understand the importance of maintaining proper alignment of the feet and back . That is why it easily recommended for patients who suffer from plantar fasciitis and other conditions of inducing pain. When the feet are uncomfortable , it is easier to distribute the weight evenly straight on the base.

There are many manufacturers who claim to be the creators of orthotics. To be truly made ​​a mark must be taken first. This copy can be done through technology update using a mold , or can be made by scanners 3 - dimensions. Anyway, a professional should be involved to help get the best results.

Although it is possible to obtain a model of the foot with a precise molded frame , this method can be messy . This probably explains why most of today's professionals that focus on foot disorders OrthoCare turned to technology. The images produced by this technology can be used to create custom orthotics to meet individual needs revenue. This process is much faster and patients prefer .

Plantar fasciitis is a painful injury, but there are other reasons prescribed orthopedic foot. An example would be diabetes often have problems with their feet . The right of people with diabetes braces are not the same as many others . They are softer and although they offer excellent support for your feet sometimes itching, tingling or even have little sense at all.

In addition, pediatric patients require different support from adults and athletes have a different set of needs. That's the beauty of orthotics and good foot care professionals rely heavily on them to help them to come get the comfort they deserve.

Nobody likes to be uncomfortable , and there is nothing that hurts you everywhere like when your feet are in pain. The sooner the better relief is received , which is why fast turnaround and excellent customer service are important to accommodate orthotics. When you order your copy , be sure to find quality suppliers .

FootLogic Orthocare precisely manufactured using braces as a 3D scanner up to meet the needs of each patient suffering from plantar fasciitis and other foot disorders

The FootLogic team is here to help you.
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Taking oral medication for a fungal nail problem

By Rabel Catayoc

The treatment of nail fungus can be a long-term proposition and very expensive too. In many cases , treatment may not be covered by health insurance providers consider it as an aesthetic value . Those affected by this disease should also show sincerity in taking the medication that intermittent can also pose many problems.

In most cases, the topical application of the infection does not resolve the problem effectively . Topical creams or lotions are not able to reach all layers of nails and making them totally unable to reach the bottom. For those who can not take oral medications nail polish containing ciclopirox are also available. The FDA approved it for use . It is possible for those who are unable to take the option of oral medications . However, no oral medications can be taken during pregnancy or by those who think they are pregnant .

There are two drugs that have been specifically approved by the FDA for the treatment of fungal nail problems . The first is known as terbinafine has been approved by the FDA to treat the virus problem . Drug efficacy is 90 % and is generally prescribed for 6 weeks to the problem of the nail. The dose is usually about 250 mg , and the drug interacts with caffeine and cimetidine .

The other drug is known and itraconazole is also approved by the FDA for the treatment of the problem. This medication is appropriate and effective in 20-80 % of cases, the problem of nail fungus. The medicament is to be taken with food and reacts with other drugs too. Itraconazole can be taken daily or can take in a pulse format . For those who have the problem of the nail, the dose of 200 mg is administered once per week for 6 weeks.

Another drug called fluconazole has not been approved by the FDA, but it is a very effective drug . The advantage over other drugs in the body is maintained for a long period ; Therefore , the drug must be taken once per week . Clinical studies have shown that the drug is approximately 70-85 % effective for those who have problems with nail fungus . The dose of this medication is 450 mg once a week and should take at least 4-9 months.

Risk factors for the development of onion - Are you at risk of developing bunions?

Posted Lorinne Yen

A bunion is a swollen, painful bump on the joint that connects the big toe. It's just a bump , but a more serious foot problem . The pain you feel is due to irritation of the soft tissues surrounding the area of the big toe . If not handled properly, it can get worse with time.

Are you at risk to have onions ? Find out if you have one or more of the common risk factors .

A . During pronation of the foot is one of the most common reasons for the development of bunions. During pronation is when the foot is too deep for normal function . When a person overpronates , body weight is concentrated towards the midline . Accordingly , the entire weight of the body passes through the big toe joint , resulting in the formation of onions .

Two . Preexisting ankle sprains foot, foot fractures and loose ligaments may also lead to disease .

Three . In general, foot disorders are highly heritable . Similarly , the gene is a known risk factor for the formation of onions . It is estimated that bunions are inherited in four cases out of ten.

April. Another common risk factor is the fall . This is associated with deposits of uric acid in the joint , usually the toe joint disease or onion .

May The use of shoes too tight, especially large fingers shoes can put pressure on the big toe . High heels also cause pressure on the ball-joint , as they tend to push the weight on the forefoot.

6 . Onions are also common in ballet dancers . This is because the feet are subjected to a repetitive stress .

7 . The incidence of onions also increases with age.

8 . Women are more likely to develop the condition.

9 . Having flat feet both increase the risk of low arches or onions .

10 . People who work in occupations that involve a lot of walking and standing are more sensitive . Therefore , onions are common among people in retail, healthcare, food service , food preparation , education , service delivery, etc. .

There are several ways to manage painful bunions . These include the application of ice packs, taking painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin, which has foot hot soak , using the most appropriate shoe, and the use of pads . Onions do not usually require surgical excision unless the pain becomes debilitating .

The only permanent way to treat onion onions is . No traditional surgery and the last treatment, surgery without scars onion . Discuss with your foot doctor about your options.

Ending the misery of onions with minimal recovery time , and most importantly, very little or no scarring . For more information on the treatment of onions and onion , visit .

A new treatment option for chronic diabetic foot ulcers

By Dr. Brian Fallon , DPM

Dr. Brian Fallon displayed, DPM

The high incidence of diabetic foot ulcers and potentially devastating consequences are well known in the medical community. Diabetic patients often develop peripheral neuropathy, a disease that causes decreased sensation in the foot. The decreased sensitivity of the foot may cause the patient to feel something seemingly innocent like a shoe that is too tight and rubbing an area. Diabetic foot ulcers usually occur in areas of high pressure when walking , often due to abnormal foot structure , such as a hammer or onion deformation. Many diabetics also suffer from poor circulation in the feet, which makes it difficult or impossible healing. When injuries become chronic , patients have an increased risk of infection. The infection is more difficult to treat diabetic patients due to the fact that your bodies immune system is not as effective in the fight against bacteria. Antibiotics are also typically used to fight against the infection are not as effective as if the blood flow to the area is poor. This unfortunately leads to amputation for some patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers .

The primary purpose of the podiatrist is the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers . Patient education and regular foot examination by a health professional are essential in the prevention of diabetic ulcers . Strict control of blood sugar levels and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise are essential to prevent complications of diabetes. Your health care provider may recommend testing the nerves and blood flow to the legs and feet for signs of neuropathy or poor circulation . This can provide valuable information and based on the results of these tests can make treatment recommendations to prevent these conditions worse . Diabetic patients should consult their podiatrist regularly for nail care and feet. Areas of the feet that are developed callus should shave down to reduce the risk of skin breakdown leading to the formation of ulcers. Diabetic shoes custom have proven to reduce the incidence of diabetic foot ulcers . The boots are constructed with a depth to accommodate additional personnel padding to reduce pressure points on the bottom of the foot . Diabetics should inspect their feet on a daily basis. Since diabetics are susceptible to very dry skin, a good moisturizer should be applied daily to reduce the risk of cracks in the skin . Areas around the toes should be thoroughly dried after showers or baths , and a drying agent such as Desenex powder can be applied to reduce the risk of developing fungal infections. Any break in the skin , redness , swelling or pain should trigger an immediate visit to the podiatrist. A situation that seems small can quickly become a big problem for diabetic patients.

The traditional initial treatment of diabetic foot ulcers is to reduce the risk of infection and stimulate the bodies healing process. The most important part of the processing is regular debriding of the ulcer. This involves the removal of all dead or callus tissue at the edges or at the base of the wound on her health professional . This procedure reduces the risk of infection and may assist in the healing rate . It is important that the affected feet as much as possible is maintained. Your podiatrist may make recommendations to reduce the pressure on the ulcerated , which will also help speed up the healing process. It could be filling the area with the use of special shoes or boot to download the ulcer site . If infection is suspected, a culture of the wound can be made and appropriate antibiotics may be prescribed. There are a variety of products for the wound care news as may be prescribed to help reduce the risk of infection and promote healing of diabetic foot ulcers . When these traditional techniques are ineffective wound care , other therapeutic options should be considered.

A new option for the treatment of chronic diabetic ulcers offers hope for many patients with chronic wounds that do not heal . This involves the use of a tissue allograft , a graft obtained from a human donor unbound . The graft is derived from the innermost layer of the human placenta and amniotic cavity coating a newborn . Mothers potential donors are examined and tested for infectious diseases and graft sterilized before implantation. This tissue is selected because it improves wound healing by providing a high concentration of growth factors are necessary for wound healing naturally occurring organisms . The fabric used in the graft has been shown to reduce inflammation and scarring of the region. The reduction in inflammation and wound healing has been shown to promote healing of chronic wounds . Preliminary studies show that the grafting has resulted in a greater likelihood of healing of chronic wounds and quicker healing of wounds. The graft can be applied frequently in the doctor's office and is a painless procedure that requires no anesthesia.

Although the techniques and technologies have improved in recent years , prevention remains the most effective in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers .

If you or a loved one is suffering from diabetic ulcers doctors and staff walking foot and ankle specialists of the Atlantic are ready to help you .

mercredi 2 avril 2014

Regime ELEM

M Cranford

Posted Cranford M

I can start as if I forgot the title of this article, but bear with me. All will become clear .

A few years ago I saw a program about pioneer life in America , people who came from Europe , then packed their families and essential goods and trigger across the continent to a new life on the border. The program is based on the inclusion of people in the form and put it in the pioneer life for a year . None of the participants was particularly important, and the most beautiful setting for modern standards would be considered.

At the end of the experiment , everyone was slimmer , trimmer and fitter , having lost something like 20 pounds each. Nobody was in a calorie controlled diet deliberately , and in fact most of them ate more food energy they could get .

The difference between then and now is that people could not eat the food they had prepared , on a day without refrigeration and without comfort or processed foods. They brought with them the basic foods such as oats , flour and maybe a ham, and had cows and chickens for milk and eggs. They also had seeds to start your own farm and orchard , and could collect food environment . With food is limited to what they had , they had to reduce the size of the meal ration shops so they last . Not return for the second .

There were no snacks between meals - there is no cookies or cakes in the closet , no ice cream in the fridge. Not much in the way of sugar is . A place only in fruit, and a little honey too.

And everyone was busy - busy physically - throughout the day. They were there put fences , construction of the barn, mobile wood , plowing and digging or making bread , washing by hand, carrying water from the river , or just walk they were busy from morning to night .

Hunger was the common condition. While everyone was healthy enough to withstand once had enough to be satisfied , and that was the big party they enjoyed during the celebration of the harvest. Otherwise, people usually go to bed hungry .

All this is very different from the common experience of today that we tend to overlook the obvious . Easier and healthier for most people in the West about how to lose weight is to eat less and do more. If we can reduce our portions and avoid snacking between meals , we'll go a long way to develop a healthy lifestyle . Although for many , it is not practical to cook meals at home instead of buying more home cooked meals we do best. We can be aware of the amount of salt , sugar and fat in our diet, and make small reductions in these foods "danger" in many recipes are included.

Keep sugary foods, snacks and drinks for treats and reducing alcohol handles many calories invisible , ignored and completely useless.

Finally, if we eat and drink less spend less of our hard earned money on food that we are just fat.

HIGH - Eat less, exercise more . Worth thinking about .

Read my thoughts on life , society, health and happiness in my short blogs

Top 10 of diseases related to obesity

By Elizabeth Sisney

Many people suffer from overweight. Unfortunately, sometimes the problem gets out of control , and a person can become obese. This is very bad for health, and there are several diseases that are aggravated by obesity or even caused by obesity .

A . diabetes

Obesity is an important factor in the development of type 2 , which occurs when the body has developed a factor of insulin resistance of diabetes. Overweight allows cells to become exemplary insulin resistance . In some cases , people with type 2 diabetes have reversed the situation by losing weight .

Two . cancer

Being overweight can increase the likelihood of developing several types of cancer by 50%. For women , excess weight in just 20 pounds placed at a much higher risk of cancer.

Three . infertility

Obesity may lead to changes in hormone levels that can lead to infertility and ovarian cancer in women. In obese men, which can lead to a much smaller number of sperm.

April. Skin infections

Sometimes it is more difficult for obese people to keep your skin clean as it should be . The skin may form folds which sweat can be trapped and cause irritation leading to infection.

May Hypertension

Your blood pressure generally increases with the right weight and hypertension is a major cause of death among Americans . Your doctor can give you medicine to control blood pressure, but you must make for yourself a healthy weight for good health.

6 . High cholesterol

Your cholesterol levels become too high in general when you 're overweight, and high levels can cause heart attacks. High rate of chronic cholesterol can lead to heart disease.

7 . ulcers

Obesity can develop painful gastric ulcers. Overweight men are more likely to develop the disease , but women have also been known to be affected.

8 . Back problems

Your body, especially the back, can suffer when it is planned to carry large amounts of weight . You can have back pain , osteoporosis , osteoarthritis, or even structural damage to your spine if you are obese .

9 . Gallstones

Obese women often develop painful gallstones. Although rare , men can also be affected.

10 . heart disease

Obesity is a primary cause of coronary heart disease which can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Lose weight and regular exercise can reduce your chances of developing this condition.

If you feel that your weight is a problem, see your doctor immediately. Nothing is more important than your health and weight can be controlled with an appropriate response .

For more information on obesity, the risk of obesity and bariatric surgery in California , visit the Olde Del Mar site and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sunil Bhoyrul information about surgery weight loss gastric bypass and other bariatric surgeries in California California.

The solution to obesity

By Margaret P Cranford

Posted Margaret P Cranford

Eat smaller portions.

Avoid foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates (sugars and starches) .

Exercise more .

It's that simple , then why more and more people in the developed world has become obese, with issues related to self-esteem , mental health , heart disease and diabetes that accompany excess weight . Not to mention an increased risk of certain cancers.

The sad truth is that many large and powerful companies base their businesses in which we are encouraged to eat foods they produce. The simple business model for any company is that they need to get more people to buy their products, if these companies are to continue to grow and pay its shareholders a dividend healthy, we have to sell more food that eventually kill us.

There is substantial evidence that processed foods are addictive scientific evidence. Once they are conditioned to eat foods rich in fat , sugar and salt , it is very difficult to stop. Like any addiction, you have to have the desire to avoid the object of their addiction until it is completely broke his grip . You have to go cold turkey . But companies that we sell sugar , fat packaged salty foods are so hard to resist freely advertise their products , what chance is the position of the consumer?

Ideally, I would like to see more fat tax , processed foods containing sugar , the products used to subsidize healthy fresh foods . , Making it the most affordable . However, it is unlikely to occur that the companies involved are so powerful . So what can we do?

Awareness is the key. Knowing the odds against us will help us see where the dangers. None of the solutions listed below are easy, but all the help in the battle to lose weight.

Avoid seeing ads , so they are not tortured by the goodies on offer.
Remember that people who sell unhealthy foods need to convince you to buy. Not falter !
Carefully plan meals to be as healthy as possible.
Do not buy food when you are hungry .
Look at the size of the portion , because too any food will make you fat .
Do not buy fatty , sugary foods and drinks. If you do not have at home , it is easier not to eat on impulse.
Make sure you have a good breakfast and lunch, with a little dinner , and do not snack in between.
Stay busy , so I do not think about eating .
Exercise more . Walking and climbing stairs. Join a class or a club.
Try to wait until you are hungry before eating.
Drink plenty of water because the water has no calories and fills you up . In addition, it is clear that our body can confuse the feelings of hunger and thirst .
Try to cook more meals from scratch at home instead of buying processed foods.
Do not expect to lose weight fast. Do not weigh yourself too often, and do not be discouraged if the results are slow to start .
Join a club , or work with a friend or family to eat other support in their campaign to lose weight.

It is possible to break the addiction to unhealthy food , but the will and determination is needed. Good luck!

Read my blog

Why food becomes our greatest health epidemic ?

Josef Bichler

Expert Author Josef Bichler

We may link alcohol, snuff , drugs, even drugs for health problems that can affect a small minority , but nothing is done most people some food - bad food. There is nothing in the nature environment which is the type of disease , cancer and diseases that thrive in our community outreach.

Our generation is facing today a major epidemics and many of them are not aware or are totally unaware where . The first sign of which is not bad at the time, is the change in the size and shape of our body, called obesity. Obesity is the start of many health problems . This affects everyone differently , more likely to suffer from high cholesterol , diabetes , hypertension , heart disease , stroke, and these are some of the most common that are developed and the side effects become mortal obesity. One of the most disturbing signs of childhood obesity. The number of children overweight or obese increases at an alarming rate . Children need food and education is the responsibility of all parents to do if they want to protect the well- being of children and follow a healthy lifestyle into adulthood .

What you eat can hurt you !

Just assumes no food that we buy is right or good for us, as it is good and satisfies this desire. Eating foods that can harm becomes a problem we face every day, and avoid in our diet is a struggle. The first step is to examine your thinking about food because your health will be the better for it. Weather has become valuable for many people , having a way of life , we are looking for easy solutions. Processed foods and prepared meals have the advantage of saving time, and for those who do not particularly like to cook this is a plus. In addition to this , most processed foods and start with a low price tag , which is difficult for most to resist. We must consider the big picture and see the hidden cost of processed foods to our health . It is a fact that most processed foods are not healthy. They are low in nutrients, antioxidants , vitamins, minerals and rich in saturated fats, sugars and preservatives fat , while at the same time rich in calories . In addition, they also contain ingredients that are handled industrially harmful for our body. When shopping becomes confusing to read labels in a variety of juice bottles that say pure juice with antioxidants. What he says is that it is full of refined sugars , preservatives and who knows what else, so , therefore, is not a beneficial antioxidant. What most do not know is that many artificial sweeteners trick the body to gain weight and store fat , exactly the opposite of what you expect .

What you eat can not hurt you too!

Much time spent in research that guide people how to improve your health with natural remedies, focusing on nutrition , supplements and other medical means to prevent the disease. You will not find one of the most powerful revelations of obesity in a pharmacy or get them from a doctor, but you will notice that the food we eat and the best place to find it at your local farmers market and small deli. This is where the challenges they face every day . Be selective in your choice of foods, you replace processed foods with all natural and whenever possible. Combine a good diet with some exercise . Just walking was found to have significant health benefits . Keep a straight posture while walking and strengthens muscles as you walk and your whole body will benefit . Walk every day will improve circulation and generally improve the function of the body, which in general will help you burn calories from fat and decrease when the best diet plan is selected. Note: The most important step to a healthier lifestyle is to change to a healthy diet.

Josef Bichler has a passion for others welfare and show how to live a healthy life. He helped countless people reach their goals in health by exposure of unhealthy foods to give to know and understand the benefits of a healthy diet and avoid the culprits that affect our health . For more information on health to obtain and maintain the free weekly newsletter , which also gives the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you might have, and to download your free e -book to help make better decisions http :/ / / free

hidden monsters

By Nakeesha Harris

Posted Nakeesha Harris

There are some scary not hidden in the closets of their children, or on television, but only the food we eat monsters - what makes our food so sweet, tasty, tasty ? These additives that make food cheaper , we also have by looking sick or less healthy . Today we focus on two big monsters . Unite and get rid of these monsters forever!


Although we all have an idea that sugar is not the best for you, many of us do not know how many items have sugar in them . In short, almost everything! Sugar weakens the immune system takes oxygen to the cells of the disease and disease of livestock , which aids in diabetes, which causes a rapid rise and fall of the power that is not only healthy for naming us few.

Fortunately, there are products that have sugar in them, you just have to know how to look . Here's how to look at the back of a package of food and nutrition is a label . The label gives different percentages of different nutrients. Directly below are the actual ingredients . Start paying attention to the first five ingredients - that is what is most used in the product. If you see sugar or one of its code names in the top five , the product has a lot of added sugar. Here are some names that sugar :

Brown Rice Syrup
Corn syrup
Corn Syrup
Cane juice
Evaporated cane juice
Dehydrated cane juice
Malt syrup

These are just a few codenames sugar , there are many more . So how can we avoid or take in less sugar ?

Pay attention to labels and test items that do not have no added sugar, artificial sugar sugar is worse.

Try to prepare food at home or use their own sauces. 99.9% of the items you buy to eat out have sugar in them and lots of it .

Eat more natural sugars and stop cravings for sweets to minimum periods throughout the week. Perhaps you are wondering in the weekend for a dessert or something .


The second monster is the meaning MSG MSG . Is used as a food additive in many food products . The inventor of MSG was Asian if it is associated with Asian cuisine , but is used in many other articles. It enhances the flavor , makes salad taste fresh flavor , tender meat and the overall taste of the delicious food. MSG ago by "trick" language with an unknown flavor we like to call umami . While we can see products that have MSG in some cases , unfortunately, perhaps MSG in them.

Why MSG is so dangerous? Take a look :

Once eaten , is pleased to make our cells injure or kill themselves. Monte or added to Alzheimer's disease , Lou Gehrig 's disease and Parkinson's to name a few . Regular consumption of MSG can also lead to :

Eye damage
Fatigue and disorientation
burning sensation
Pressure or tightness of the face
Chest pain
difficulty breathing
rapid pulse

If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms that could very well come from the food you eat with MSG . Now that people are aware of the damage that can cause MSG , companies have developed other names -Car expose some of them :

autolyzed yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Gelatin - which is also the pork
hydrolysed proteins
monosodium glutamate
Yeast extract
natural flavors
citric acid
Certain types of foods that have MSG :
Natural chicken seasoning
Flavors and aromas
powdered milk
Pork and natural flavor

What should I do?
The best way to avoid a lot of sugar and MSG is complete and eating mostly foods herbal foods. If you are in a restaurant, you can ask MSG is added to food, but the only way you will be sure that if you eat less processed foods , more foods herbal and eat at restaurants less .

Challenge : Working for less processed foods and the most comprehensive food time step. Do not feel more, you can do it!

Take small steps and make small changes . Remember, this is not a diet ... it's a lifestyle !

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