mercredi 2 avril 2014

Why food becomes our greatest health epidemic ?

Josef Bichler

Expert Author Josef Bichler

We may link alcohol, snuff , drugs, even drugs for health problems that can affect a small minority , but nothing is done most people some food - bad food. There is nothing in the nature environment which is the type of disease , cancer and diseases that thrive in our community outreach.

Our generation is facing today a major epidemics and many of them are not aware or are totally unaware where . The first sign of which is not bad at the time, is the change in the size and shape of our body, called obesity. Obesity is the start of many health problems . This affects everyone differently , more likely to suffer from high cholesterol , diabetes , hypertension , heart disease , stroke, and these are some of the most common that are developed and the side effects become mortal obesity. One of the most disturbing signs of childhood obesity. The number of children overweight or obese increases at an alarming rate . Children need food and education is the responsibility of all parents to do if they want to protect the well- being of children and follow a healthy lifestyle into adulthood .

What you eat can hurt you !

Just assumes no food that we buy is right or good for us, as it is good and satisfies this desire. Eating foods that can harm becomes a problem we face every day, and avoid in our diet is a struggle. The first step is to examine your thinking about food because your health will be the better for it. Weather has become valuable for many people , having a way of life , we are looking for easy solutions. Processed foods and prepared meals have the advantage of saving time, and for those who do not particularly like to cook this is a plus. In addition to this , most processed foods and start with a low price tag , which is difficult for most to resist. We must consider the big picture and see the hidden cost of processed foods to our health . It is a fact that most processed foods are not healthy. They are low in nutrients, antioxidants , vitamins, minerals and rich in saturated fats, sugars and preservatives fat , while at the same time rich in calories . In addition, they also contain ingredients that are handled industrially harmful for our body. When shopping becomes confusing to read labels in a variety of juice bottles that say pure juice with antioxidants. What he says is that it is full of refined sugars , preservatives and who knows what else, so , therefore, is not a beneficial antioxidant. What most do not know is that many artificial sweeteners trick the body to gain weight and store fat , exactly the opposite of what you expect .

What you eat can not hurt you too!

Much time spent in research that guide people how to improve your health with natural remedies, focusing on nutrition , supplements and other medical means to prevent the disease. You will not find one of the most powerful revelations of obesity in a pharmacy or get them from a doctor, but you will notice that the food we eat and the best place to find it at your local farmers market and small deli. This is where the challenges they face every day . Be selective in your choice of foods, you replace processed foods with all natural and whenever possible. Combine a good diet with some exercise . Just walking was found to have significant health benefits . Keep a straight posture while walking and strengthens muscles as you walk and your whole body will benefit . Walk every day will improve circulation and generally improve the function of the body, which in general will help you burn calories from fat and decrease when the best diet plan is selected. Note: The most important step to a healthier lifestyle is to change to a healthy diet.

Josef Bichler has a passion for others welfare and show how to live a healthy life. He helped countless people reach their goals in health by exposure of unhealthy foods to give to know and understand the benefits of a healthy diet and avoid the culprits that affect our health . For more information on health to obtain and maintain the free weekly newsletter , which also gives the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you might have, and to download your free e -book to help make better decisions http :/ / / free

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