mercredi 26 février 2014

Family and friends / agreement and disagreement when it comes to Alzheimer's disease

By Gini Cunningham

As a caregiver , son , daughter, husband , friend, or relative of a loved one with Alzheimer's disease being, there are many difficult decisions . In the best cases around or maybe the whole family gathered to discuss the likelihood of the next election. The beloved , the victim of the disease is also present to express their will should he / she become incapacitated and unable to make life decisions . When everything is in the open air in front of the company track down Alzheimer rough , less stress and tension in the family is more likely to occur . Finances have been covered, the health problems and clearly revealed will last . It is not always easy or simple, but knowledge and understanding are powerful tools .
If aid applications to life without dad, mum requires a change in long-term care , and Granny wants heroic measures to prolong your life, the family members are better prepared to respond when they know in advance . Although some of these desires can be difficult to give later, like when dad, a great man, was left out of 37 caregivers, is angry and aggressive and home care has become impossible to have hosts is is a family communication helps pave the way .

Alzheimer options are never black and white . As with any serious decision that there are hundreds and thousands of shades of gray. A number of possible / discussions situations spouse, caregiver, or adult children may have on long-term care of the victim are listed :

• Come to a complete diagnosis of a gerontologist / neurologist qualified to decide if we ____ and ____ . This is an important first step is the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed , an accurate diagnosis to rule out infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration provided , and when it launched an action plan for medication , care and general support to the victim.

• Let mom in Golden Acres . It certainly is not right and is at the head of Dad. I think if we pool our resources, we can do it. This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed generally careful diagnosis of the infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration is provided , and if mom and dad are a part of the conversation and agree that this is the appropriate course of action . Now mom can be a point that you can not communicate your wishes, but what if , somewhere in the clouds of her mind, she knows, does not know the decisions that will radically change your life?

• We will let dad have mom at home , as he was . We must all take turns coming to stay with them to relieve and help dad with mom. Dad could use a little free time and maybe on vacation. We can do it . This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed generally careful diagnosis of the infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration is provided , and family stand ready to help mom and dad with the support and kindness. This can be very difficult when a child wants it to be one that wants. Arguments rarely solve problems that only aggravate the situation. So when the children come to the help they need to help , not criticize , complain, blame , control , harm or guilt. They must listen, learn and provide support . Mom and Dad deserve it .

• Come to mom and dad to use so that we can keep an eye on them and help more . This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is done , a precise diagnosis to exclude infection, disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration provided , and mom and dad are in the conversation. Moving can be nice, especially a reduction of less cleaning and maintenance . Moving can also be confusing , scary and horrible if the parents are now more isolated and alone with old friends away from work and family friendly places occupied disappeared.

Joey • We will take care of it . It has always been the favorite and lived three doors. It was checked on them for years anyway. This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed generally careful diagnosis of the infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration is provided , and if Joey agrees with this additional responsibility and if the brothers agree that Joey has the power to make critical decisions . It is hard enough to act as guardian of parents in this role reversal scenario Joey should also not be forced to have every second decision guessed it - .

• Wait and see . Maybe things are not as bad as they seem. This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is done , a rule careful diagnosis of the infection provides disease or stroke as a cause of deteriorating mentally, and if things are really good. When children live nearby can register and check back often , if children are scattered across the country, or if there are no children at all, could be exhausting , dangerous and impossible to continue living as if everything is just "normal".

The most important detail of each scenario is that the family communicate and trying to

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