mardi 25 février 2014

New Year good intentions starting to miss?

By Tiffany Armitage

Posted Tiffany Armitage
Their enthusiasm and good intentions to stick to your New Year's resolutions to disappear ?

Optimism and revitalization that most of us experience at the beginning of the year often fade when the day worries and pressures of day begin to cloud our attention and weaken our resolve .

Worrying smoking when friends offer a cigarette ... travel increasingly difficult to do gymnastics on those nights rain ... One night in a restaurant makes you feel like you are back to square one with your diet ...

Ruminate about the past is one of the biggest obstacles to success. People often struggle to develop new habits needed to achieve your goal , because unconsciously repeating old behaviors if behaviors related to diet , relationships, exercise, study or home finances momentum . initial dissipated when people unconsciously recall past unsuccessful attempts, and mistakenly believe that because that's how they behaved in the past , will inevitably repeat the same behavior. They spend more time focusing on how they manage not visualize your success .

The negative effects of rumination were highlighted on BBC experience stress conducted in June 2011. Preliminary results of the study of more than 30,000 participants indicate very clearly that "the tendency to blame for the problems and especially a tendency to ruminate and worry are the most important factors when it comes to predicting their chances of suffering stress .

Hypnotherapists targeted solution actively discourage customers to ruminate about the past. Instead , encourage clients to talk about their " preferred future , " a future where we are closer to achieving their goal. New customers are often expressed in terms of what they do not want to cling to their past behavior : " I will not be eating donuts ", " I will not be yelling at the kids," and so on .

It is the job of the therapist to help clients let go of these patterns of thought unnecessary , encouraging them to express themselves in a positive way , and help them stay motivated to achieve your goal.

We learn by repetition. When we learned to drive a car , we continue to perform the same maneuver until we could do it automatically , unconsciously. It is the same with a new skill. I help clients to encourage them to think about what they want, not what you do not want. I also help to identify when they were successful , breaking the useless, negative self-talk. Leaving the past behind , are better prepared to achieve their goals.

If you feel you need help to stay motivated to continue with their New Year's resolutions , contact me to book a free hypnotherapy consultation in the exercise of leadership in Plymouth.

Sometimes in life things are above us . You may be better to work like, behave differently in the same house overcome illness , sadness or anxiety. Hypnotherapy uses the power of your subconscious mind and your own natural abilities. Hypnotherapy is based solution that you want to , not because you do not want us to be - not dig back to your past. The change is rapid , efficient and sustainable .

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