mardi 25 février 2014

habits gap

By Monika Klein

Expert Author Monika Klein
It's the new year and it's time to clean up your act , right? Well , there are some habits that you may not have thought were unhealthy or need to be adjusted . Revelo certain that soon.

Back to the new year, it is exciting to think that we have a year to create what we want. It is our canvas waiting to be revealed to us and maybe even the world. If you're wondering what your year will look carefully to the words of Abraham Lincoln: "The best way to predict the future is to create it . "

I'm sure by now you've revised 2013 and has developed a plan for 2014. Despite all the usual things , such as weight loss ( my favorite cause helped a lot with this one! ) Make more money , save more money , have better relationships , finding your soul mate , etc.

Wanting to reform the not so healthy habits for health is always a good idea , not only at the beginning of a new year, but, of course , always.

Here are 5 healthy habits for the constitution of this year :

A . Marathons. If you use more than 30 miles per week will create more problems than benefits for health. The researchers found that the tissue damage that causes repetitive endurance training increases the risk of heart damage and stiffness of large arterial trunks Gliding single tear on the joints. Raise an occasional race or walk around the block to run a marathon this year. Is not it more pleasant and feasible?

Two . Essentials nap button. Opt for the rest rather than get up early to catch the worm is the best. A Japanese study found that those who wake up before sunrise have a higher risk of medical problems. As you know I 've said this for years - get enough vitamin E ( sleep ) is also vital for weight loss , hormonal balance and happier moods . If you can afford it try to wake up naturally instead of interrupted sounds, and sometimes surprise an alarm. If this seems impossible maybe go to bed earlier would help you get the best natural sleep cycle .

Three . Forget having dessert for breakfast . Let's face it most " breakfast " foods on the market are just desserts - cereals , muffins, pancakes, perfect yogurt, and even many smoothies.

You should start the day with protein and carbs without starch 2 eggs with tomatoes, or a combination of cottage cheese, yogurt and almonds. These types of options are enough for glycemic and reduce cravings any other refined carbohydrates protein throughout the day. Stop thinking about sugar or refined grains will give you what you need to get your brain and body on in the morning - in fact have the opposite effect - brain fog, under any power ?

April. Stop the spill. Although occasionally a glass of your favorite wine may be just what you are looking at the end of a long day - do not think this bedtime ritual . Studies show frequent alcohol indulgence have an effect on brain function , hormonal balance and sleep habits. Sounds familiar ? Something like what I just mentioned with regard to sleep. Know that everything affects everything. It is best to drink a good cup of tea to calm soothing at the end of this difficult and full time.

May Become a chef fat. I do not want a big ego , but rather the need to consume healthy fats in the diet. Do not be afraid to have it in your diet. Good fat is essential for the function of the brain - the brain is mostly water and fat. So being called "Fat Head" is actually a compliment. Make avocado, coconut oil or butter, regular butter , nuts and seeds. Fats are precursors for the production of all hormones. Each fat cell in your body are aligned. Avoid bad fats - which are combined with carbohydrates and refined sugars - these are the bad guys. Plan to have healthy fats at each meal.

(C) Monika Klein

Monika Klein , BS , CN . is an award-winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert . Monika is the " nutrition and lifestyle coach practical life and compassion. " His company offers health coaching life changing weight loss and wellness programs , courses and products in the world. For more information on services and programs visit Monika .

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