mardi 25 février 2014

Healthy Year of the Horse

By Monika Klein

Expert Author Monika Klein
I'm always surprised by the crazy things I hear or see people eating witness. Like tonight , my husband and I watched the TV show " Man vs. Food" . Have you ever seen this show ? This is not nothing. Sure, it might be fun for some, but I find it disturbing to see the food represented as a sporting event.

Whether it's the Super Bowl or Super -size - me - should not be something close to our meal, unless they are in good health and great taste . I hope you agree ?

So if you were "super" to avoid a healthy diet and it feels like you're still on vacation coaster ( ie , carbohydrate craving ) - do not worry this Chinese New Year - Year Horse - it's a good time to get the new year has started well .

Here are 5 tips to help you get back on track this year of the horse :

A . Clean your gut. To get the horse embodies qualities such as strength, grace and power you need to have a digestive system that works well. The best way I know how it is done by taking a good probiotic daily . This will help get your digestive microflora (bacteria ) in balance. Sugar and starchy food in excess generally cause an imbalance in our digestive tract finely tuned . Symptoms such as gas , bloating and indigestion are a good sign that something is wrong. To download a good probiotic will be the first place to start to clean these annoying symptoms.

Two . Become an authority. Year of the Horse is about leadership. I encourage you to become an authority you . Learn what you are - what makes you tick . It is also a year of meditation to go inside and ask yourself what you need - what you really need . This kind of understanding takes time - be patient with yourself. In addition , it is difficult to know in isolation - so no need to go to a mountain top . Make sure you participate in life - in your life. The balance of their time alone with their social time. Learn how to create the life you really feel comfortable with - both inside and outside .

Three . Go out and take a risk. No, I do not want the game - I mean I'm looking for something new . Expand your list of foods , expanding what they consider exercise or even take on a new project could be something new . It does not limit this year - as Captain Kirk says " boldly go where no man or woman has gone before . " It can be as simple as trying new ethnic foods , eliminating gluten, dairy or sugar a month - and then see how you feel. I bet you feel better , much better than before you started your "experience" . Try it . Do not think you are going on a diet or you'll never eat again bread. Rather commit 30 days - that's all - just 30 days . Can I report - The truth is that I want to know how it happened.

April. Avoid too . Year of the Horse is characterized by impulsivity so do not forget to think ahead before you jump in. When it comes to overeating - take a break , count to 30 or go for a walk before devour on her stomach can handle. OK, so occasionally overeating can be forgiven , but chronic overeating is a very slippery slope . Take your time, plan your meals and choose foods that give you the most for your money. Of course a big bowl of pasta or 4 slices of the bread basket can "feel" as it fills - but you and I know that this is all he does, because it's a load of food, nothing more. Choose quality protein , such as fish, chicken or eggs and vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and aubergines and you are sure not to be simply filled but also meets the nutritional plan.

May I do not deny that something is wrong. Year of the horse also brings denial - to think that there is nothing wrong when deep inside you feel out of something . You do not think your weight or eating is really bad, so keep with cookies for breakfast , cheese and crackers snack at 14:00 and ending the day with popcorn night food.

Day after day, is put into the clothes " larger, but still flattering " until eventually must - just step on the scale. It takes courage to do it and will definitely help to get out of denial. Use your ladder and your jeans as guides for a reality check - they usually do not lie.

And remember always healthy is the new skinny .

(C) Monika Klein

Monika Klein , BS , CN . is an award-winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert . Monika is the " nutrition and lifestyle coach practical life and compassion. " His company offers health coaching life changing weight loss and wellness programs , courses and products in the world. For more information on services and programs visit Monika .

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