vendredi 28 février 2014

What essential oils work best in a green smoothie ?

By Bill Fifield

Posted Bill Fifield
I had several calls this week asking what oils work best in a green smoothie or fresh juice . This is like asking what food , this costume, child or what I like . There are so many wonderful choices. I can tell you that you are the most popular, I personally like it more consistent, and they seem to make me feel better . I'll give you some guidelines that may work better in smoothies think.

First, let me tell you why you want essential oils in their smoothies. When you add a drop of essential oil to a smoothie, it will add to your drink super concentrated form of energy. You add complex aromatic molecules created by plants and the sun. They purify and unblock the flow of energy through its better than anything you can use the body. They have a deep against power - Infectious and a unique way to use it against pathogens while maintaining the beneficial bacteria in the body. They also support the immune system.

For me personally , I must admit that my favorite oils for personal smoothies are always peppermint , lemon, orange and basil. But as recipes and favorite music, I go through phases. In summer, there is nothing like peppermint . In winter , it is really soothing basil for me.

Obviously, it also depends on what is in the dough. It is mainly vegetables? Then your preferred carrier oils of spices that go well with your favorite vegetables are susceptible. Try anise , coriander, cardamom, dill and celery seed . Experiment with each oil in your apothecary with a name that belongs to your spice rack . But beware of power. One drop of essential oils may be equivalent to many spices handles dry , so be careful.

What smoothies that specialize in fruit ? Well ... are not citrus oils - orange, lemon, lime , grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot and more. These are much less concentrated so you do not have to be too careful to get more than one drop in your smoothie. You can also add spices that go into goods and baked cookies - cinnamon bark, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Spice ingredients . If you use apples in your smoothies or juices, spices choose oils that should be used in applesauce or cider . With grapes , bananas , pineapple, or you may want more citrus oils of peppermint or spearmint or cooling .

The first customer who asked me smoothies question have a business to recommend essential oils and shake cleaning. She said that the use of essential oils in their green smoothies remained raw fruits and vegetables to oxidize ( spoil ) too quickly. You can make a batch and keep the glasses in the refrigerator for several days ... a great time-saver . This is because the oils are so powerful antimicrobials.

So how much oil you have to shake ? In many cases , just one drop . Some people like a mix of oils . For example, two drops of lemon basil lower and lower cardamom . Four or five drops of oil are not too much for some green smoothies, especially if you are looking for cleaning or therapeutic benefits.

While many oils are unmanageable, which 'can not be very tasty in a smoothie ... as lavender, for example. I recommend taking one of the (GRAS) generally accepted as safe oils in capsules .

Also try these essential oils in your drinking water , teas , juices and recipes. Experiment and share your favorites with us here.

Bill Fifield has taught thousands about the amazing benefits of using essential oils for health. He has written several books of Dr. Daniel Pénoël a world-renowned authority on medical applications of essential oils. Bill sells essential oils into your web page: . oils (GRAS) as generally accepted safe are clearly indicated on their website. When the intake of essential oils, always follow the safety rules of common sense found in

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