Lorraine Coupland
Expert Author Lorraine Coupland
Each type of fat affects us in different ways. It is essential to eat a little ( monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ), some limited ( saturated fat ) , and try to eliminate some other ( trans fats ) . We absolutely need fat because some vitamins need fat for the body to use and some fats actually help our hearts and blood sugar . Now , we need to know which foods contain fat .
Start with the good .
Both MUFA ( monounsaturated fatty acids) and PUFA ( polyunsaturated fatty acids ) fall into the category of healthy fats. A word of warning though . The fact that they are healthy does not mean you should eat a lot of them. They are rich in calories. So yes, you need it and yes, you should eat, but not many of them. Also, do not eat more unhealthy fats , eat instead of unhealthy fats .
So what should you eat to get these MUFA and PUFA ? Oils such as rapeseed , olive , peanut , safflower, corn, sunflower , soybean, cotton and peanut are good choices . Nuts and seeds are another option. Try almonds, pecans , pistachios , cashews , Brazil nuts , sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. Lawyers can help , and can therefore fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon, trout and smelt. Some foods , such as vegetable oils and nuts and seeds contain both MUFA and PUFA , such as non-hydrogenated margarines . (Health Canada)
Saturated fats
This type of fat comes mainly from animal sources. Include fatty cuts of meat, chicken skin , butter , hard margarine, lard and fats. Although you do not have to completely abandon these sources of saturated fat , it is best to limit your consumption. Try to also limit the more fat cheese , milk and yogurt or choose a low fat option . Tropical oils such as coconut and palm kernel oil are also saturated fats.
Trans fats
OK , here's great that you should try to avoid it altogether . Trans fats are unsaturated liquid fat is partially hydrogenated to make it solid. This makes it easier to work with and less likely to spoil. What is wrong with that? Nothing, except that I did to your body. Saturated fat is bad because it increases the LDL (bad cholesterol) . Trans fats are bad, because it not only raises the level of LDL cholesterol, but also reduce HDL ( good cholesterol). These two actions can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Palos hard margarine , snacks and desserts prepared commercially , such as cakes and biscuits are usually trans fats. Also found in processed and packaged foods , and fried foods.
How will you be able to tell if the package you are considering buying a trans fat ? In U.S. soon it should not be a problem, as they work to prevent it. In other countries , however, you can see on the nutrition label . A list of all saturated fat and no trans fat in the product appears. For a simple thing, just remember that 5% or less is a little and 15 % or more is a lot.
Have zero trans fats that your goal. Have as little saturated fat as possible . It has about 2-3 tablespoons MUFA and PUFA daily. This includes cooking grease , spreads such as margarine or mayonnaise and salad dressings. ( Healthy Eating Ontario )
The bottom line? Continue to enjoy fat. Just pay attention to what you eat and how much.
references :
Healthy Eating Ontario. ( 2014). Facts about fats. Retrieved from https://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Heart-Health/Facts-on-Fats
Health Canada. (2012 , April 17 ) . Fats : The good, the bad and the ugly. Retrieved from http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/fats-gras-eng.php
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