vendredi 28 février 2014

Eating fat makes you fat - right? Foods to Avoid

Lorraine Coupland

Expert Author Lorraine Coupland
Each type of fat affects us in different ways. It is essential to eat a little ( monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ), some limited ( saturated fat ) , and try to eliminate some other ( trans fats ) . We absolutely need fat because some vitamins need fat for the body to use and some fats actually help our hearts and blood sugar . Now , we need to know which foods contain fat .

Start with the good .


Both MUFA ( monounsaturated fatty acids) and PUFA ( polyunsaturated fatty acids ) fall into the category of healthy fats. A word of warning though . The fact that they are healthy does not mean you should eat a lot of them. They are rich in calories. So yes, you need it and yes, you should eat, but not many of them. Also, do not eat more unhealthy fats , eat instead of unhealthy fats .

So what should you eat to get these MUFA and PUFA ? Oils such as rapeseed , olive , peanut , safflower, corn, sunflower , soybean, cotton and peanut are good choices . Nuts and seeds are another option. Try almonds, pecans , pistachios , cashews , Brazil nuts , sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. Lawyers can help , and can therefore fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon, trout and smelt. Some foods , such as vegetable oils and nuts and seeds contain both MUFA and PUFA , such as non-hydrogenated margarines . (Health Canada)

Saturated fats

This type of fat comes mainly from animal sources. Include fatty cuts of meat, chicken skin , butter , hard margarine, lard and fats. Although you do not have to completely abandon these sources of saturated fat , it is best to limit your consumption. Try to also limit the more fat cheese , milk and yogurt or choose a low fat option . Tropical oils such as coconut and palm kernel oil are also saturated fats.

Trans fats

OK , here's great that you should try to avoid it altogether . Trans fats are unsaturated liquid fat is partially hydrogenated to make it solid. This makes it easier to work with and less likely to spoil. What is wrong with that? Nothing, except that I did to your body. Saturated fat is bad because it increases the LDL (bad cholesterol) . Trans fats are bad, because it not only raises the level of LDL cholesterol, but also reduce HDL ( good cholesterol). These two actions can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Palos hard margarine , snacks and desserts prepared commercially , such as cakes and biscuits are usually trans fats. Also found in processed and packaged foods , and fried foods.

How will you be able to tell if the package you are considering buying a trans fat ? In U.S. soon it should not be a problem, as they work to prevent it. In other countries , however, you can see on the nutrition label . A list of all saturated fat and no trans fat in the product appears. For a simple thing, just remember that 5% or less is a little and 15 % or more is a lot.

Have zero trans fats that your goal. Have as little saturated fat as possible . It has about 2-3 tablespoons MUFA and PUFA daily. This includes cooking grease , spreads such as margarine or mayonnaise and salad dressings. ( Healthy Eating Ontario )

The bottom line? Continue to enjoy fat. Just pay attention to what you eat and how much.

references :

Healthy Eating Ontario. ( 2014). Facts about fats. Retrieved from

Health Canada. (2012 , April 17 ) . Fats : The good, the bad and the ugly. Retrieved from

I help people to lose weight without diet or exercise program sweaty . If you are sick and tired of dieting and you hate exercise, then it is time to try a solution that really works. On the path of formation using the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change. I'll walk through a process step 5, which will help to do the right things in the right order so that you can lose weight and actually keep it off. It is to create long-term results that you will love !

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What essential oils work best in a green smoothie ?

By Bill Fifield

Posted Bill Fifield
I had several calls this week asking what oils work best in a green smoothie or fresh juice . This is like asking what food , this costume, child or what I like . There are so many wonderful choices. I can tell you that you are the most popular, I personally like it more consistent, and they seem to make me feel better . I'll give you some guidelines that may work better in smoothies think.

First, let me tell you why you want essential oils in their smoothies. When you add a drop of essential oil to a smoothie, it will add to your drink super concentrated form of energy. You add complex aromatic molecules created by plants and the sun. They purify and unblock the flow of energy through its better than anything you can use the body. They have a deep against power - Infectious and a unique way to use it against pathogens while maintaining the beneficial bacteria in the body. They also support the immune system.

For me personally , I must admit that my favorite oils for personal smoothies are always peppermint , lemon, orange and basil. But as recipes and favorite music, I go through phases. In summer, there is nothing like peppermint . In winter , it is really soothing basil for me.

Obviously, it also depends on what is in the dough. It is mainly vegetables? Then your preferred carrier oils of spices that go well with your favorite vegetables are susceptible. Try anise , coriander, cardamom, dill and celery seed . Experiment with each oil in your apothecary with a name that belongs to your spice rack . But beware of power. One drop of essential oils may be equivalent to many spices handles dry , so be careful.

What smoothies that specialize in fruit ? Well ... are not citrus oils - orange, lemon, lime , grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot and more. These are much less concentrated so you do not have to be too careful to get more than one drop in your smoothie. You can also add spices that go into goods and baked cookies - cinnamon bark, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Spice ingredients . If you use apples in your smoothies or juices, spices choose oils that should be used in applesauce or cider . With grapes , bananas , pineapple, or you may want more citrus oils of peppermint or spearmint or cooling .

The first customer who asked me smoothies question have a business to recommend essential oils and shake cleaning. She said that the use of essential oils in their green smoothies remained raw fruits and vegetables to oxidize ( spoil ) too quickly. You can make a batch and keep the glasses in the refrigerator for several days ... a great time-saver . This is because the oils are so powerful antimicrobials.

So how much oil you have to shake ? In many cases , just one drop . Some people like a mix of oils . For example, two drops of lemon basil lower and lower cardamom . Four or five drops of oil are not too much for some green smoothies, especially if you are looking for cleaning or therapeutic benefits.

While many oils are unmanageable, which 'can not be very tasty in a smoothie ... as lavender, for example. I recommend taking one of the (GRAS) generally accepted as safe oils in capsules .

Also try these essential oils in your drinking water , teas , juices and recipes. Experiment and share your favorites with us here.

Bill Fifield has taught thousands about the amazing benefits of using essential oils for health. He has written several books of Dr. Daniel Pénoël a world-renowned authority on medical applications of essential oils. Bill sells essential oils into your web page: . oils (GRAS) as generally accepted safe are clearly indicated on their website. When the intake of essential oils, always follow the safety rules of common sense found in

The Paleo diet safe ?

By Ian Barnfield

Expert Author Ian Barnfield
As with any new or newly popular, the regime has become common for people to wonder if the Paleo diet is safe. The Paleo Diet is , of course, a way of eating based man paleolithic diet , the hunter-gatherer or caveman . So what is the answer? Are we right to question , and it is safe Paleo Diet or just another potentially dangerous way?

Low carb diets

The first possible the Paleo way of eating is mainly based on a misunderstanding of objection , the idea that this is a low carb diet . The Paleo Diet certainly shares some similarities with the known, and perhaps infamous , the Atkins diet . Like Atkins , Paleo suggests high consumption of fat and protein and less carbs includes much of what is usually used to eat.

Unlike the Atkins diet , however, the Paleo diet is not to restrict the intake of carbohydrates , and that the problems of extreme restriction box and potentially dangerous. So deliberately and severely restricts the consumption of carbohydrates to stay in ketosis , the main objective of the Atkins diet and the process of weight loss, then you really need to pay attention . This method, if attempted at all, is probably best supervised by a health professional , can certainly produce side effects that are unpleasant . This does not mean it is not effective because it does not seem to get results , but there 's really nothing to suggest that this is the way it is supposed , of course, eating .

So instead of being deliberately low-carb , Paleo diet tends to be that by eliminating grains , sugar and potatoes , the main sources of carbohydrates in the diet of most people . When you take the staples of the equation, most people who try the paleo diet are looking for ways to get more carbs, not to restrict their consumption. But it is the paleo diet is safe in terms of carbohydrate intake lower carbon ? Yes, because it is based on a nutritionally balanced diet foods, not on the idea of ​​restriction.

Diets high in fat

The other important medical reasons Paleo Diet , the objection is the urge to eat a lot of protein and fat . The problem , of course , cholesterol and the idea that eating all that fat that will cause weight gain increased . This, however, is not true . Capitalization is fully justified because it is a great , yet such common error ! There is research , and in abundance, but beyond the scope of this article, to show that you do not eat the fat that causes weight gain, but carbohydrates. Sugars and grains, especially refined grain, are the worst offenders here .

As always, it is best to do your own research , but you do not have to go far to find plenty of evidence that the consumption of fats and proteins, and in abundance, is a good thing , it is certainly not the reason people gain weight . This should not be taken as carte blanche on fatty foods - not all good, but those who can come to something of a surprise. Again, it is beyond the scope of this article, but say , butter , eggs and fats from animals fed on pasture grass , is very good for you. But beware of vegetable oils - if you have to do something, but something to push to get the oil out of it, beware ! Accordingly , olive oil is good - corn oil , palm oil and soybean are not . Wikipedia pages for the oil to make an interesting reading - you may want more information before turning over your body!

So it is safe to do the Paleo diet ?

It seems a little ironic that people will question the wisdom of something like the Paleo diet , but fortunately continue eating refined sugars , starches and modified hexane extract , hydrogenated oils does not take place in the food chain of an animal , and much less human plaques . And yet , of course, is not the illusion of security known .

It is true that Westerners in general and Americans in particular, are more overweight and less healthy than has been the case for many decades , if ever. Should be tempted to question this just take a look at some of the advertisements in magazines and posters 1950 - skinny, not fat , it was considered a problem in those days ! Thus, instead of asking "safe paleo ? Diet ' may be wondering maybe safe is your current diet is !

The Paleo Diet is based on the natural balance . This is a very different balance of what we have learned over the years, but it is balanced , it is not an extreme diet . You should see with suspicion any diet that requires extreme actions , especially if it is binding certain food groups such as carbohydrates or fats . Nature loves balance, and generally have a way or another !

So, keep requested is the Paleo Diet Safe ? Perhaps the best answer is simply to try it for yourself. When you realize how much you start to feel the weight falls naturally if you need it , and how much energy and vitality you have, there will be a clue. If you see skin diseases , pain and digestive problems disappear then it might not be whether the Paleo diet is safe, but why you have not had time to try before !

Ian B shares her recipes and Paleo diet in ramblings and Facebook page associated - do not stop free recipes , resources, articles and many related bacon humor !

Stop Dieting : start living

By Joe T Dymnioski

Posted Dymnioski Joe T
Today I decided to write about nutrition, the number one topic among my clients. Most of us is not only very confused about nutrition, but are completely fed up with the inability to get real answers . That's why I wanted to talk about it with as much detail as possible. Let's talk about the difference between "diet" and "clean " eating and why most of us have to watch our sugar intake.

Let's start by looking at what "diet" really means and why most people when the "Plan" starts never stops . Most of my clients have told me to look in the mirror and become very angry and decides it's time to plan. How many times have you or someone you know has said: "I really have to go on a diet . " Probably more than you or I would like to admit. 's Why I do not like the word" diet " is because when you say " diet " means" I'll eat for a month and then when I lose weight , I eat normal again. "This is a word that implies a finite end . I know because I used to be guilty of this type of yo-yo diet myself. However , failure is a strong word , when in fact all the blame can be placed on the individual alone . Everywhere we look , we see the latest diet plan that will make you fall ten pounds per hour (lean overall picture Stock purchased here ) . Ignore these lies, because believe it or not the first step in cleaning the food is in your mind, not your kitchen. For example, I try to do with all my clients is to first change their views to help them realize their true motivations. We eat healthy because we really want to be healthy , rather than comply with a limited standard of beauty . Think of the images, the word diet product. Rows and rows of magazine covers in the supermarket checkout line with DIET courage displayed by the constitutions chiseled name and judge us smile every item we place on the conveyor belt . It is therefore unrealistic and doomed to failure .

Now we realized that "diet" is a dirty word in my house us , we will talk about eating clean . Weight loss is just a side effect of eating all foods clean and cut processed that make people sick. These foods include all processed foods , genetically modified and mixed with sugar (in all its hidden forms ) drinks foods. Now pay attention to this new line , because it is important - if the label says healthy does not mean it is healthy.

Whether the food is healthy and nutritionally dense ingredients vacuum treatment of GMOs are your grandparents are familiar , just look at the ingredients. We tend to look at the nutrition label and see how many calories or grams of fat we consume. This information may be important , but it is incidental if the ingredients are synthesized. When you look at the ingredients label should really say that water and a set of ingredients that can contain , such as dates or chicken. No maltodextrin and about 30 other words that are 8 syllables and page descriptions . The main rule of thumb is, if you can not grow in your garden or lift in a barn, not to eat.

We show that many of my clients how to survive in the commercial media centers and local farmers markets and the answers are simple. Do all your own food from scratch . It's cheaper and more nutritious to make your own food from energy bars for his condiments. Everything you buy packaging is very easy to do. This way you can ensure that your food will not be produced on an assembly line and you know exactly what you put into it , until the exact amount . Yes , it takes more time and effort to eat this way , but in 20 years from now , when you're not in a hospital with diabetes or heart disease , you will be glad you took that extra hour a week to do everything from scratch . Maybe take a day of the week or half a day to prepare their meals . In my house , Sunday is day cook . You can even get the kids involved . We live in an era where you can easily find recipes with the click of a mouse. Stop diet and eating a proper part of your daily routine and you will be able to start living the life you've always wanted to live .

By: Joe Dymnioski

Edited by Jessica Cortese

Please visit my website at for larger items and information on various topics. If you are looking for advice on nutrition or exercise program please contact me through my email @ . I hope you enjoyed my article and you can take some great knowledge that will help you in your fitness and wellness journey .

Copyright © 2014 Life 1 1 1 Body Mind , All Rights Reserved .

Why low fat , no fat no good Just Food

By Lore Earley

Posted Lore Earley
When I think of how I fell prey to the main messages of diet tips and the American Heart Association , as low-fat or fat-free processed are much better for the overall health foods, I shudder . We were told that red meat and saturated fat is bad eggs cause heart disease through the clouds cholesterol , and avocado and coconut will make you fat .

Unfortunately, it was the exact advice that my health has declined in the bathroom about 15 years later.

Here is our reality of adopting a low-fat , fat American diet :

Rates of diabetes and obesity are skyrocketing - that both affect approximately one billion people worldwide . Cultures who have never had these problems , they do now with the international presence of American fast food franchises and other food influences.
4 out of 10 deaths are attributed to heart disease (which really increased , not down, because of the low fat , no fat thing ) .
Half of the United States are overweight .
30% of Americans have high blood pressure.
Brain and neurological problems, such as depression , ADHD and autism continue to rise (yes , nutrition has a lot to do with the mental functioning ) .
Most Americans are deficient in nutrients and full of sugar .
So , after years of a grain more often basic (because "whole grain" are supposed to be so great for you ) and meat from time to time, but especially rich in tofu diet, my grand prix was resistance insulin and ovarian cysts .

Five reasons why you need healthy saturated fats :

A . The body was designed to burn fat as fuel . At this time , we are so full of sugar , our bodies are we trying to burn this first . But eating more sugar than the body can burn , so now the sugar is stored in fat.

Therefore, the processed foods we eat and simple carbohydrates , we get bigger. The most balanced meat and healthy fats ( avocado , nuts , coconut , olives) we consume , the more we met, our blood sugar is less cravings you have, the less we eat, and body can return to burning fat instead sugar over fat. Whew , what a mouthful!

Two . A complete vitamin B12 is found only in animal products. This vitamin is very important for brain health . There is no vitamin B12 in pasta, pancakes or fake chicken nuggets .

Three . Grass fed red meats are virtually the only source of DHA and EPA 's protect against diseases such as cancer , asthma , depression, heart disease, autoimmune disorders and ADHD.

April. Meat Seafood, animals and organisms , dairy products and eggs are the main sources of fat-soluble vitamins A & K , which protect the immune system , the view , the function of fertility and hormone and the skin.

May And finally , despite the incorrect information has been drilled into our brains over the past two decades, saturated fat intake effectively prevents the risk of heart disease by reducing lipoprotein particles in the blood associated with potential heart problems .

It can be a challenge to change the way you think meat and healthy fat after years of enjoyment instead of eating fat pretzels think you 're doing good for the body. It will take some time getting used to ! But coming from someone who has already balanced sugar levels in the blood, my fertility restored without a "pill" and is sugar and carb cravings , the proof is in the pudding lawyer.

For more tips are fast and fun , visit and download my free report " 5 health habits that keep you fat and unhappy. "

Earley Lore is the co -owner of Think Eat Live Feel the holistic health blog that allows you to transform your mind, body and spirit so that you can live the life you want!

You can also contact her through her ​​business website :

jeudi 27 février 2014

5 ways to keep your shoes are deformed their feet

Daniel Lopez, DO

Expert Author Daniel Lopez, DO

The shoes are not designed to mold to the shape of our feet. Instead of our feet are forced to conform to the shape of your shoes . Over time , our feet lose their flexibility . Interestingly, when flexibility is lost , it becomes painful to walk without shoes . Some people interpret this as evidence that walking barefoot is not good for them. Whenever you change the distance between the attachments of muscles , weakness done. As humans , we abuse our feet a lot . The Company has determined that high heels and unusual approach they produce are "sexy" . In general, we are more fashion conscious than we are in our overall health. As an osteopath physician, I want to describe some strains that I found almost universally in my patients. After investigation , I have determined that there are some designs in most shoes that are very guilty .

Compressed toes : Watch your toes. Do you have all the space between your toes? Chances are you probably do not . Over time people develop toes that overlap or are notched their toes if they are separated . This also leads to many problems, including bunions your big toe bends towards chronic midfoot . The feet of those who never wears shoes naturally the space between your toes. The rest of us stormed by our toes shoes. Shoemakers are pointe shoes at the front , because " it looks better . " As your fingers are compressed , they become less functional . Most people can not curl your toes without foot cramps . Seems toes right to the highest dividers to help this problem with the shoes boxes have wide feet as the brand VIVOBAREFOOT .

Narrow base wider feet is more stable than a narrow base , wide but not considered attractive shoes. Therefore, we put the shoes are narrower than our feet. Finally, the small muscles between the long bones of the foot , the metatarsals become permanently contracted . Besides the small tarsal bones , foot, compress and lose their range of motion. The result is that we end up with tapered legs that lack of flexibility . I found that the release of tension in the small muscles between aid metatarsal restore some range of motion of the tarsal bones , muscles relax chronic calf tight, and sometimes even in the sacroiliac (SI) joints.

The range of motion decreased heel : Because running shoes produce an amazing heel, the heel absorbs shock of each step. The pad is designed to absorb shocks. Driving your heel on the ground with each step causes the heel to compress not only to the ankle , but also repulsed. Over time , the cord may be permanently achieved . A problem at the junction between the heel bone and the bones of the foot can refer pain in the bottom of the foot that can mimic and is often misdiagnosed as plantar fasciitis. In addition, the heel accessories for plantar fascia and calf muscles by the Achilles tendon. Therefore , a malfunction in the curing chronic heel take muscles associated therewith , including the calf and the above problems .

Tight plantar fascia : The plantar fascia is a toe heel resistant anchoring connective tissue . Because the plantar fascia is associated with the toes and the heel bone , which responds to failures associated with them , such as muscle contraction . Therefore, the more the foot changes shape , a further tightening of the plantar fascia. As surprising diversion drift can irritate and cause inflammation which can be another cause of plantar fasciitis. To make matters worse , the arch supports in shoes abnormal stretching of the plantar fascia further irritate .

Metatarsals Eliminated : If you ever see a woman walking in high heels, you'll notice that each step of the soles of the feet are pulled to the ground and toes powered up at an abnormal angle . Over time , it is constantly changing the joints of the toes. What happens is that the balls of the foot drop , becoming exposed and painful to walk . This is called metatarsalgia . This is much more pronounced in high heels , but also with most shoes . If you put your shoe on a flat surface , usually the tip angle up . This is because the shoes including sports shoes, are so rigid and immobilized at his feet , so that the shoe is built with the effect of " rocker ". This feature shows your toes at all times when you wear shoes and can cause metatarsalgia .

The solution to most problems is to work to maintain flexibility and strength of your feet and especially in the structures mentioned above. Shoe chronic wear leads to specific changes that make flexibility and function the way it was originally intended to be lost in the feet. This can lead to many diseases of the foot that are attributed to other things.

For more information on self -help and health tips unique visit and subscribe to our blog or follow us on social networks . We 'd love to hear what you have to say. Please do not hesitate to share your comments with us.

Tailor Onion: A big problem for a small toe

By Suzanne Abraham

What is the onion tailor?

The onion cutter , also called bunionette is the medical term for swelling at the base of the little toe . During the early stages of an onion, there will be a minimum of symptoms with only a slight change in the remarkable position of his little toe. The onion tailor received its name centuries ago , when tailors sat cross-legged all day with the outside edge of the friction of the feet on the legs to the ground. This constant friction is supposed to lead to a painful bump at the base of the little toe.


The Onion A measure is a progressive disease , meaning that it will get worse with time. It will develop in the area where the small toe connects to your foot. It is common to see visible on the side of the tip can be red and swollen lump . Some symptoms may include:

- Swelling and inflammation
- Pain in the own boss
- The irritation of the soft tissues under the skin
- Footwear generally increase pain


There are 5 main causes of this condition:

A . Poorly fitting shoes that are too tight close to the top of the shoe can put excessive pressure on the fifth toe and cause irritation
Two . Structural bone deformity
Three . Trauma or injury to the outside of the foot
April. The weakening of the muscles and ligaments caused by aging
May Genetics is a common cause of onion tailor

Treatment and Prevention

Tailor Bunions are a progressive deformation , and if the boss is not about to become bigger , making the little that are above or below the fourth toe . A podiatrist may recommend these treatments :
- Icing : ice on the swollen area can help with pain and swelling. Do not apply directly to the skin but wrap the block of ice in a thin towel, then apply .

Oral medications : anti- inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, can help reduce pain and inflammation

- Change your shoes: avoid using fitting shoes or narrow high heel . Instead of wearing shoes that have a wide toe box .

Orthotics : orthotics or custom templates can help protect the joint and correct any structural alignment

- Filling: pads placed on the area may help reduce pain

Measurement onions are a common foot abnormality that can lead to pain and limit your daily activities. Call our office for an examination to determine the most effective treatment for you today .

Home remedy for onions

By Lorinne Yen

Posted Lorinne Yen

How to tell if you have a bunion ? If the joint that connects the big toe of his foot is swollen, painful bump that may have an onion. The extension that you see is actually a misalignment of the big toe joint .

There are many things that can lead to the formation of bunions. One reason is that the abnormal biomechanics and foot pronation . Other causes include sprains, previous fractures , nerve, loose ligaments , and muscle whisper. Genetics also plays a role in the formation of onions. The risk is higher if other family members have onions. Gout and rheumatoid arthritis are also said to be associated with the disease .

The use of inappropriate footwear is likely to make an existing bunion worse . High heels can also cause considerable pressure on the ball-joint , as they tend to push the weight on the forefoot.

Then, home treatments for onions that can relieve pain and discomfort are presented.

Takeaway counter medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol after the recommended dose may help relieve pain in the finger. The elevation of the feet can help reduce inflammation. Applying ice to the painful joint is another way to relieve the pain.

The use of orthotics , arch supports , or pads onions on the bottom of the foot and redistributes weight takes the pressure off the big toe.

If possible, wear shoes made ​​to measure to ensure a good fit. Another way is to wear shoes with wide toe box . There should be enough space between the tip of the longest toe to the end of the shoe. Shoes should not press any part of the foot and should be wide enough for the toes. The change of location of closed shoes sandals can leave the painful area of the foot exposed.

Interior carpet shoes or cutting foam rubber with hole for onion ring shape is another remedy simple but effective home.

Avoid activities that put pressure on the feet, especially the big toe. All this can help relieve onion.

However, keep in mind that the only definitive treatment is surgery onion onions . Onions that are left untreated will probably bigger and cause more pain. The goal of surgery is to correct the alignment of the big toe. If these home remedies do not help, then it may be time to see a podiatrist. Modern and virtually painless treatments are now available , as well as surgery without scars onion .

For more information on the treatment of onions and onion , visit .

Orthotics for plantar fasciitis and other foot disorders

By Fred David

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition experienced by thousands of people every year. Is considered the result of overuse or abnormal foot mechanics and pain of the injury to the area of the foot can become debilitating unless effective treatment is applied. Orthotics are the treatment of choice for most people , they made ​​popular medical device .

Today, there are many options to choose from when selecting braces. There was a time when the only way to get braces went through a medical specialist foot care . This is no longer true because now these items can be purchased in many commercial outlets or through online sites individually .

The good news is that orthotics are available to anyone who needs them . Chiropractors, podiatrists and other professionals understand the importance of maintaining proper alignment of the feet and back . That is why it easily recommended for patients who suffer from plantar fasciitis and other conditions of inducing pain. When the feet are uncomfortable , it is easier to distribute the weight evenly straight on the base.

There are many manufacturers who claim to be the creators of orthotics. To be truly made ​​a mark must be taken first. This copy can be done through technology update using a mold , or can be made by scanners 3 - dimensions. Anyway, a professional should be involved to help get the best results.

Although it is possible to obtain a model of the foot with a precise molded frame , this method can be messy . This probably explains why most of today's professionals that focus on foot disorders OrthoCare turned to technology. The images produced by this technology can be used to create custom orthotics to meet individual needs revenue. This process is much faster and patients prefer .

Plantar fasciitis is a painful injury, but there are other reasons prescribed orthopedic foot. An example would be diabetes often have problems with their feet . The right of people with diabetes braces are not the same as many others . They are softer and although they offer excellent support for your feet sometimes itching, tingling or even have little sense at all.

In addition, pediatric patients require different support from adults and athletes have a different set of needs. That's the beauty of orthotics and good foot care professionals rely heavily on them to help them to come get the comfort they deserve.

Nobody likes to be uncomfortable , and there is nothing that hurts you everywhere like when your feet are in pain. The sooner the better relief is received , which is why fast turnaround and excellent customer service are important to accommodate orthotics. When you order your copy , be sure to find quality suppliers .

FootLogic Orthocare precisely manufactured using braces as a 3D scanner up to meet the needs of each patient suffering from plantar fasciitis and other foot disorders

The FootLogic team is here to help you.
Call 1-855.790.1687 for help or visit

Taking oral medication for a fungal nail problem

By Rabel Catayoc

Posted Rabel Catayoc

The treatment of nail fungus can be a long-term proposition and very expensive too. In many cases , treatment may not be covered by health insurance providers consider it as an aesthetic value . Those affected by this disease should also show sincerity in taking the medication that intermittent can also pose many problems.

In most cases, the topical application of the infection does not resolve the problem effectively . Topical creams or lotions are not able to reach all layers of nails and making them totally unable to reach the bottom. For those who can not take oral medications nail polish containing ciclopirox are also available. The FDA approved it for use . It is possible for those who are unable to take the option of oral medications . However, no oral medications can be taken during pregnancy or by those who think they are pregnant .

There are two drugs that have been specifically approved by the FDA for the treatment of fungal nail problems . The first is known as terbinafine has been approved by the FDA to treat the virus problem . Drug efficacy is 90 % and is generally prescribed for 6 weeks to the problem of the nail. The dose is usually about 250 mg , and the drug interacts with caffeine and cimetidine .

The other drug is known and itraconazole is also approved by the FDA for the treatment of the problem. This medication is appropriate and effective in 20-80 % of cases, the problem of nail fungus. The medicament is to be taken with food and reacts with other drugs too. Itraconazole can be taken daily or can take in a pulse format . For those who have the problem of the nail, the dose of 200 mg is administered once per week for 6 weeks.

Another drug called fluconazole has not been approved by the FDA, but it is a very effective drug . The advantage compared to other drugs is that it remains in the body for a long time , so that the medicament is to be taken once per week . Clinical studies have shown that the drug is approximately 70-85 % effective for those who have problems with nail fungus . The dose of this medication is 450 mg once a week and should take at least 4-9 months.

mercredi 26 février 2014

Family and friends / agreement and disagreement when it comes to Alzheimer's disease

By Gini Cunningham

As a caregiver , son , daughter, husband , friend, or relative of a loved one with Alzheimer's disease being, there are many difficult decisions . In the best cases around or maybe the whole family gathered to discuss the likelihood of the next election. The beloved , the victim of the disease is also present to express their will should he / she become incapacitated and unable to make life decisions . When everything is in the open air in front of the company track down Alzheimer rough , less stress and tension in the family is more likely to occur . Finances have been covered, the health problems and clearly revealed will last . It is not always easy or simple, but knowledge and understanding are powerful tools .
If aid applications to life without dad, mum requires a change in long-term care , and Granny wants heroic measures to prolong your life, the family members are better prepared to respond when they know in advance . Although some of these desires can be difficult to give later, like when dad, a great man, was left out of 37 caregivers, is angry and aggressive and home care has become impossible to have hosts is is a family communication helps pave the way .

Alzheimer options are never black and white . As with any serious decision that there are hundreds and thousands of shades of gray. A number of possible / discussions situations spouse, caregiver, or adult children may have on long-term care of the victim are listed :

• Come to a complete diagnosis of a gerontologist / neurologist qualified to decide if we ____ and ____ . This is an important first step is the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed , an accurate diagnosis to rule out infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration provided , and when it launched an action plan for medication , care and general support to the victim.

• Let mom in Golden Acres . It certainly is not right and is at the head of Dad. I think if we pool our resources, we can do it. This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed generally careful diagnosis of the infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration is provided , and if mom and dad are a part of the conversation and agree that this is the appropriate course of action . Now mom can be a point that you can not communicate your wishes, but what if , somewhere in the clouds of her mind, she knows, does not know the decisions that will radically change your life?

• We will let dad have mom at home , as he was . We must all take turns coming to stay with them to relieve and help dad with mom. Dad could use a little free time and maybe on vacation. We can do it . This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed generally careful diagnosis of the infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration is provided , and family stand ready to help mom and dad with the support and kindness. This can be very difficult when a child wants it to be one that wants. Arguments rarely solve problems that only aggravate the situation. So when the children come to the help they need to help , not criticize , complain, blame , control , harm or guilt. They must listen, learn and provide support . Mom and Dad deserve it .

• Come to mom and dad to use so that we can keep an eye on them and help more . This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is done , a precise diagnosis to exclude infection, disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration provided , and mom and dad are in the conversation. Moving can be nice, especially a reduction of less cleaning and maintenance . Moving can also be confusing , scary and horrible if the parents are now more isolated and alone with old friends away from work and family friendly places occupied disappeared.

Joey • We will take care of it . It has always been the favorite and lived three doors. It was checked on them for years anyway. This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is performed generally careful diagnosis of the infection , disease or stroke as a cause of mental deterioration is provided , and if Joey agrees with this additional responsibility and if the brothers agree that Joey has the power to make critical decisions . It is hard enough to act as guardian of parents in this role reversal scenario Joey should also not be forced to have every second decision guessed it - .

• Wait and see . Maybe things are not as bad as they seem. This could be the best step if an appointment with a qualified doctor who listens and cares programmed , extensive testing is done , a rule careful diagnosis of the infection provides disease or stroke as a cause of deteriorating mentally, and if things are really good. When children live nearby can register and check back often , if children are scattered across the country, or if there are no children at all, could be exhausting , dangerous and impossible to continue living as if everything is just "normal".

The most important detail of each scenario is that the family communicate and trying to

What are the causes of obstructive sleep apnea?

By Abhijeet Tate

Posted Abhijeet Tate

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA ) is a chronic disease in which the sufferer has periods of partial or completely interrupted breathing during sleep. Patients tend to snore , which is an additional disturbance to sleep. Due to the quality of sleep in danger, they may feel tired and irritable daily . Also include developing several serious health complications due to the state.

There are three types of sleep apnea , but OSA is the most common form. It is manifested by the fall in the muscles and soft in the back of the throat tissues during sleep. The muscles involved supporting the tongue, soft palate - the muscle at the back of the throat that is used in the speech and tonsils. When these muscles relax, the airway can become completely blocked cutting part and the oxygen in the blood. When oxygen levels drop , the brain will wake up the body of deep sleep to allow the individual to resume normal breathing.

There are some factors involved that can leave people at greater risk of developing the disease. They may include the following;

    Overweight people usually carry a larger volume of soft tissues in the neck causing a strain on the muscles of the throat
    Having a large neck can lead to an increased risk of developing OSA
    Excess fat in the abdominal area can also lead to respiratory problems and worsen OSA
    Men are more prone to the OSA while the reason is not known , it is believed to be related to the difference of the distribution of fat in the entire body compared to the design in women
    The occurrence of OSA is not age specific , however, is more common in people over forty years
    The use of sedative -type drugs can contribute to OSA - including tranquilizers and sleeping pills
    The internal structure - the size of the neck of the tongue and tonsils , of course , play a role
    The presence of an excess of folds in the lining of the mouth
    During menopause a change in hormone levels can cause the throat muscles to relax and take the condition occurs
    Family history of the disease can make you more sensitive to obstructive sleep apnea
    Obstructive sleep apnea is three times more common in people with diabetes
    Obstructive sleep apnea is twice as common in people with nasal congestion , which may be due to a narrowing of the airways that is known to congestion
    Alcohol may exacerbate both snoring and sleep apnea
    People who smoke are three times more likely to develop sleep apnea

Unfortunately , the disease can be difficult to diagnose unless a sponsor is aware of the excessive sleep disturbance .

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the status please do not hesitate to contact your doctor who will advise you accordingly and make necessary referrals .

Abhijeet Tate is the author of this article on

Healthy Year of the Horse

By Monika Klein

Expert Author Monika Klein

I'm always surprised by the crazy things I hear or see people eating witness. Like tonight , my husband and I watched the TV show " Man vs. Food" . Have you ever seen this show ? This is not nothing. Sure, it might be fun for some, but I find it disturbing to see the food represented as a sporting event.

Whether it's the Super Bowl or Super -size - me - should not be something close to our meal, unless they are in good health and great taste . I hope you agree ?

So if you were "super" to avoid a healthy diet and it feels like you're still on vacation coaster ( ie , carbohydrate craving ) - do not worry this Chinese New Year - Year Horse - it's a good time to get the new year has started well .

Here are 5 tips to help you get back on track this year of the horse :

A . Clean your gut. To get the horse embodies qualities such as strength, grace and power you need to have a digestive system that works well. The best way I know how it is done by taking a good probiotic daily . This will help get your digestive microflora (bacteria ) in balance. Sugar and starchy food in excess generally cause an imbalance in our digestive tract finely tuned . Symptoms such as gas , bloating and indigestion are a good sign that something is wrong. To download a good probiotic will be the first place to start to clean these annoying symptoms.

Two . Become an authority. Year of the Horse is about leadership. I encourage you to become an authority you . Learn what you are - what makes you tick . It is also a year of meditation to go inside and ask yourself what you need - what you really need . This kind of understanding takes time - be patient with yourself. In addition , it is difficult to know in isolation - so no need to go to a mountain top . Make sure you participate in life - in your life. The balance of their time alone with their social time. Learn how to create the life you really feel comfortable with - both inside and outside .

Three . Go out and take a risk. No, I do not want the game - I mean I'm looking for something new . Expand your list of foods , expanding what they consider exercise or even take on a new project could be something new . It does not limit this year - as Captain Kirk says " boldly go where no man or woman has gone before . " It can be as simple as trying new ethnic foods , eliminating gluten, dairy or sugar a month - and then see how you feel. I bet you feel better , much better than before you started your "experience" . Try it . Do not think you are going on a diet or you'll never eat again bread. Rather commit 30 days - that's all - just 30 days . Can I report - The truth is that I want to know how it happened.

April. Avoid too . Year of the Horse is characterized by impulsivity so do not forget to think ahead before you jump in. When it comes to overeating - take a break , count to 30 or go for a walk before devour on her stomach can handle. OK, so occasionally overeating can be forgiven , but chronic overeating is a very slippery slope . Take your time, plan your meals and choose foods that give you the most for your money. Of course a big bowl of pasta or 4 slices of the bread basket can "feel" as it fills - but you and I know that this is all he does, because it's a load of food, nothing more. Choose quality protein , such as fish, chicken or eggs and vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and aubergines and you are sure not to be simply filled but also meets the nutritional plan.

May I do not deny that something is wrong. Year of the horse also brings denial - to think that there is nothing wrong when deep inside you feel out of something . You do not think your weight or eating is really bad, so keep with cookies for breakfast , cheese and crackers snack at 14:00 and ending the day with popcorn night food.

Day after day, is put into the clothes " larger, but still flattering " until eventually must - just step on the scale. It takes courage to do it and will definitely help to get out of denial. Use your ladder and your jeans as guides for a reality check - they usually do not lie.

And remember always healthy is the new skinny .

(C) Monika Klein

Monika Klein , BS , CN . is an award-winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert . Monika is the " nutrition and lifestyle coach practical life and compassion. " His company offers health coaching life changing weight loss and wellness programs , courses and products in the world. For more information on services and programs visit Monika .

habits gap

By Monika Klein

Expert Author Monika Klein

It's the new year and it's time to clean up your act , right? Well , there are some habits that you may not have thought were unhealthy or need to be adjusted . Revelo certain that soon.

Back to the new year, it is exciting to think that we have a year to create what we want. It is our canvas waiting to be revealed to us and maybe even the world. If you're wondering what your year will look carefully to the words of Abraham Lincoln: "The best way to predict the future is to create it . "

I'm sure by now you've revised 2013 and has developed a plan for 2014. Despite all the usual things , such as weight loss ( my favorite cause helped a lot with this one! ) Make more money , save more money , have better relationships , finding your soul mate , etc.

Wanting to reform the not so healthy habits for health is always a good idea , not only at the beginning of a new year, but, of course , always.

Here are 5 healthy habits for the constitution of this year :

A . Marathons. If you use more than 30 miles per week will create more problems than benefits for health. The researchers found that the tissue damage that causes repetitive endurance training increases the risk of heart damage and stiffness of large arterial trunks Gliding single tear on the joints. Raise an occasional race or walk around the block to run a marathon this year. Is not it more pleasant and feasible?

Two . Essentials nap button. Opt for the rest rather than get up early to catch the worm is the best. A Japanese study found that those who wake up before sunrise have a higher risk of medical problems. As you know I 've said this for years - get enough vitamin E ( sleep ) is also vital for weight loss , hormonal balance and happier moods . If you can afford it try to wake up naturally instead of interrupted sounds, and sometimes surprise an alarm. If this seems impossible maybe go to bed earlier would help you get the best natural sleep cycle .

Three . Forget having dessert for breakfast . Let's face it most " breakfast " foods on the market are just desserts - cereals , muffins, pancakes, perfect yogurt, and even many smoothies.

You should start the day with protein and carbs without starch 2 eggs with tomatoes, or a combination of cottage cheese, yogurt and almonds. These types of options are enough for glycemic and reduce cravings any other refined carbohydrates protein throughout the day. Stop thinking about sugar or refined grains will give you what you need to get your brain and body on in the morning - in fact have the opposite effect - brain fog, under any power ?

April. Stop the spill. Although occasionally a glass of your favorite wine may be just what you are looking at the end of a long day - do not think this bedtime ritual . Studies show frequent alcohol indulgence have an effect on brain function , hormonal balance and sleep habits. Sounds familiar ? Something like what I just mentioned with regard to sleep. Know that everything affects everything. It is best to drink a good cup of tea to calm soothing at the end of this difficult and full time.

May Become a chef fat. I do not want a big ego , but rather the need to consume healthy fats in the diet. Do not be afraid to have it in your diet. Good fat is essential for the function of the brain - the brain is mostly water and fat. So being called "Fat Head" is actually a compliment. Make avocado, coconut oil or butter, regular butter , nuts and seeds. Fats are precursors for the production of all hormones. Each fat cell in your body are aligned. Avoid bad fats - which are combined with carbohydrates and refined sugars - these are the bad guys. Plan to have healthy fats at each meal.

(C) Monika Klein

Monika Klein , BS , CN . is an award-winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert . Monika is the " nutrition and lifestyle coach practical life and compassion. " His company offers health coaching life changing weight loss and wellness programs , courses and products in the world. For more information on services and programs visit Monika .