samedi 1 mars 2014

Ab workouts effective

By Cliff Pope

Everyone wants to look good for next summer , or look good in a bikini for the cute guy or raged six pack for all the ladies who adore . Here are some exercises that will help you achieve these goals and we look forward to an amazing summer.

Chops wood - For this exercise, you will need a cable or a versatile machine , and try to add about 30 pounds to the machine to start. Hold the handle and held up to the shoulders, squaring machine and take a few steps away from the cable machine . Make sure your feet are shoulder length . Only the handle with both arms and put his right hand all the way left on a cutting movement of wood. Make sure you keep your tight throughout the movement heart . To do this 10-15 times on each side of a great ab workout .

Swiss ball crunches side - left hip place firmly on a Swiss ball and lean against , make sure your entire torso is placed on the ball. Continue to support the introduction of the bottom of the sole against the bottom of the wall portion . Place your hands on the sides of each ear closely to get the right lift your torso to the ball as high as you can obliques. Stand up to three seconds while holding your tight muscles and lift up slowly to the starting position. To do this, for 10 to 15 reps , then switch to press the ball on his right side .

Side Plank - Finally, another thing you can do to work your abs is the nightstand . Stay in the side plank position its core work is much more difficult than the traditional periodic table. What you are doing is lying on the side with the elbow and forearm you carry and use the other arm to grab his shoulder to his chest. Keeping your heart engaged , hold this position for about 30 seconds. Then move to the next section.

These are just some of the many exercises you can do to work your abs and sculpt to help you achieve all your goals . If you want to look at next summer or keep that in winter the muscle , these exercises will help you in any situation . Good luck to all , stay positive , eat well and stay motivated!

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