mercredi 26 mars 2014

Set Your Demise , Stress

N. Anglin

Posted N. Anglin

Stress is like a sister upheaval . Disclaimer: I am not saying that I have one of these or all .

She pulls hair , peeking when we focus , and reflects a bit embarrassed when we brought a new "date" in high school .

Stress effects it has on you , both mentally and physically kill .

One day, in a not so distant past , it was a bottom part of the initiative ( imagination ?) Replacing wheels and brakes for A320 . This project was a little shy of $ 100,000 and had several obstacles may remain in the budget.

One of the obstacles facing a new third to handle the repairs . If you know me , all "new" third makes me sweat. No history , had no real knowledge of how things were done . It was a gamble .

Spend two weeks with more updates on the way. The 14th day of the second week we called to check on things, you know, intrusive controls on your face. They said that our account manager was shot and they never received our order .

I blew a gasket on .

They went to tell our Director of Operations for just cancel the order.

Now two weeks in two weeks we were in trouble .

I started having nausea, slept badly and dying some crazy foods. I think I may even put 5 pounds. Or maybe it was just the mirror. Going with this .

Stress has a crazy effect on our bodies , but most of us can not even define . Can we claim quickly we are stressed in a broad term and why.

You must know what it is .

So what is stress?

I define stress that the requirements on the body, but again , this is vague and I 'm not a doctor .

A respected psychologist Richard Lazarus defines stress as "... any event in which environmental demands , internal demands , or both tax resources adaptation of an individual ..."

Stress affects your body's ability to control their indoor environment. It is a modification of homeostasis . If you saw the movie Biodome , you know exactly what homeostasis is altered.

Your adrenal glands are two glands located above the kidneys. The image of a walnut, if you need a visual.

Drivers of your hormones. Secrete cortisol , adrenaline and noradrenaline regulating the stress response . For this reason, the adrenal glands are what determines our stress tolerance. System are most affected by our body to stress.

Image of a pilot session last night with 12 hour transcontinental flight the next morning. Your adrenal glands are the driver when stretched . Tune.

The various types of stress

There are 3 types of stress pains to explain that often defines stress in a general term .

Acute stress

Acute stress is the most common form of stress. In small doses , acute stress can be exciting, but over time can be exhausting. A challenging workout in the morning can be beneficial and stimulating.

But if he did the same exercise three times a day, you may find yourself less energy. You will feel tired and groggy . The implementation of activities beyond its boundaries can lead to injury.

The good news is that the symptoms of acute stress are recognized by most people . It may be a deadline, you want to meet, car door hit the wall , or the loss of a major contract.

Because acute stress occurs in the short term , it is less likely to occur in significant damage that occurs during long-term stress .

Episodic acute stress

Episodic acute stress are those who face acute stress on a regular basis . They live their lives in chaos. They rush to the door, stub your toe , drop your coffee and always late. They are in a race to be late.

They do not seem to organize your life and everything is down. You agree ?

People are overwhelmed by episodic acute stress can be excited, irascible , irritable, anxious and tense . They describe themselves as having constantly nervous energy. Personality "type A" often falls into this category stress.

Another form of episodic acute stress in the form of constant concern, or better known as worry warts . Everything is a problem and disaster lurks in every corner.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress is the murderer. While acute stress can be exciting , chronic stress is far . This is the kind of stress that beats you day after day, year after year. Destroy your mind, body and soul. According to the American Psychological Association :

It is the stress of poverty , dysfunctional families , of being trapped in an unhappy marriage or in a despised job or career . This is the voltage that endless "problems."

Chronic stress occurs when a person never sees a way out of a miserable situation. This is the stress of constant demands and pressures for periods of time without end . Without hope , the individual gives up searching for solutions.

Worst of chronic stress is most people just used to it . They live with him and forget his presence. "People are immediately aware of acute stress because it is new , but ignore chronic stress because it is old , familiar, and sometimes , almost comfortable. "

The natural occurrence of stress

Incredibly, the constraint may be well-intentioned .

You're probably familiar with the term " fight or flight" . It is the body's natural response to stress.

Occurs when a stressful situation, or we become aggressive or flee as fast as we can in the opposite direction.

Imagine a grizzly bear with cubs and without children. With puppies, it tears imminent danger to their children. No puppies loud noise could make it work in the other direction. Or to the people of Aviation , a Cessna can try to fight a Cessna , but when challenged by a B747 , it is the other way .

His " fight or flight" natural response is incredibly effective in conserving energy. This is what helps you survive.You sweat , your muscles tense , and the hearing is acute . Now you're incredibly alert.Concentration and awareness of everything you avoided. The nervous system receives an avalanche of adrenaline (epinephrine) . Your adrenal cortex hormones pumped 30 different types to help offset the stressful situation. Your immune system is temporarily closed for what your body can effectively use their resources to fight against the potential threat .

Our body is a magnificent feat of science. When used properly , we can turn a stressful situation into a way for us to hear better , jump higher and run faster. We will run faster than either live or off a potential threat. Or which is the main goal at least .

Unfortunately , we are now more than this from an office chair .

Captivity modern - day

Today , our bodies are exposed to lifestyles that create a huge amount of sedentary stress. We have not evolved to cope with a daily barrage of stressful situations.

Persistent stress becomes low level chronic stress over time . Maybe you're sitting in your office being yelled by the engineering department of 8 hours per day or you're stuck in traffic ... every day . These stressors are low-level persistent.

Your body interprets this as a "natural" threat and your adrenal glands pump accordingly. Free cortisol glycogen stores for immediate energy . The problem is that with the release of persistent cortisol , which requires other important mechanisms to close. Some of these mechanisms are immunity, digestion, endocrine function , and the list continues. That is why the relationship has been established between cortisol levels and weight gain .

In an effort to ally natural world is superhuman , while in the office world is your biggest enemy. It is his murderer , his Achilles tendon, his greatest enemy .

To understand is to define the stress effectively. In the next blog, we will discuss how to identify and symptoms that you should consider.

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