mardi 25 mars 2014

How moms can lose weight with the kids?

Humera by Ehsan

Posted Humera Ehsan

Many women find it difficult to exercise if you have children, but there are some ways in which you can continue your routine. However, depending on the type of family you have, as the number of children you have and their ages. What if your children are hanging on you all the time , or crying for something. Here are some ways you can deal with everything.

Get the kids to their partner
You can ask the children to join in the training, but not everyone is ready to do so. But if only one or two can become a couple, would be enough for you. At first the children enjoy the workout, but soon get bored and leave you , do their own things and it would be good for you.

Use videos
The videos are interesting and kids love also copy videos. But select only simple videos on your workout that are easy to make and quick to follow. With simple videos or other aerobic exercises, you can do more in less time .

When running hang the child in a backpack
If you want to jog or hike , you can take the child next to him on the backpack. Older children will find interesting to run or walk with you. If there is a park around the area of jogging, you can let the kids there with toys or bikes, and you can easily run or jog .

Avoid exercise equipment
Instead of using a treadmill, try simple exercises that you can easily do with the kids . However, keep in mind your goal , such as how you want to lose . The only important thing is to keep moving, especially for mothers who can not make tough workouts . Therefore, a brisk walk every day would suffice.

Be realistic
Do not expect much, it is preferable that you are at least doing something. You can start slowly and may increase the pace of your workout based on the time you have .

Do when your child sleeps
This is the best time because you do not have to worry about anything . Most of the kids to bed at a certain time , so that you can set for your workouts.

Use the court

If you want to do squats or lunges, you can do it in the yard, especially if you are surrounded by fences. Your children can play and training can easily keep an eye on the kids too.

healthy eating
Always eat a healthy diet, including nuts , fruits and vegetables. You will not have to skip meals , instead of avoiding sugar and fried foods.

There is more to weight loss , diet, super foods , belly fat , and motivational quotes and visit .

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