mercredi 19 mars 2014

Losing weight by eating - the only permanent solution

By Willard House

Posted Willard House

Why is America the fattest nation on earth? There are several reasons , first, what we eat , not what we eat.

Number one culprit : the industry of weight loss

The industry of weight loss is a huge billions of dollars.

The purpose of this industry is not to help you lose weight, but to help them get richer.

Every magazine , television show , commercial information and newspaper ad sends a message that if you do not buy his book device or exercise video how sexy male or female model will be shown .

I have an idea for you , these young sexy things probably not lost one iota of what is advertised .

The truth is that it is totally useless and they know it . So they continue to pump more and more knowing that you will buy the next big promise again and again and again.

No matter crunches, crunches how many or how these ab machines - using positive burner for an elegant set of six pack abs until you get your body fat down to at least 5% habit. You can not spot reduce the year , no matter what the ads say .

Culprit # 2: dietary carbohydrate

Our Western carbohydrate rich. Carbohydrates come mainly from grains. The beans are cheaper to produce, ship , store and production products in our food supply.

Cereals are the most of the time and the starch is converted into sugar , and it is digested . Sugar peak in turn causes a peak of insulin . Your muscles can not use and store sugar as if the excess is converted into fat. You can call the storage hormone insulin hidden fats . Invisible because no one thought to talk less insulin diabetes .

As time cells become insulin resistant obesity is established not only passed , but type 2 diabetes.

Our ancestors were hunter -gatherer diet was high in protein, as well as plants . The grains are merely seeds. Take a handful of wheat seeds and pop in your mouth and chew. Not good ... not good at all.

Early humans did not eat grains in an emergency, meat, fish and poultry kept strong , dynamic and gave them the power to survive almost anything. Modern diseases like arthritis, COPD , diabetes and heart disease were virtually unknown .

The audience wants you to believe that eating less and moving more is the best way to control oil . The problem is that no one can live like this forever. Calorie Restriction and run like a rabbit gets old quick real. Limit or eliminate carbohydrates if possible, eat lots of protein as well as fruits , vegetables and nuts and you will not be bothered by never seriously weight problems .

Man must not live in the grains. Make your diet rich in protein, meat, fish and poultry. Vegetables , fruits and nuts. End carbohydrate foods and you certainly lose your excess fat, restore energy and help preserve your health and appearance .

Willard House written on diet, weight loss and health.
Other tips to lose weight.

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