mercredi 19 mars 2014

Exercise: The Importance of computing, how it helps and 10 minutes, you can do from home

By Bryan Pav

Expert Author Bryan Pav

It's almost a sin to say that word in some circles, but if you are serious about losing weight , you really can not avoid , exercise ...

But it's not so bad news . After briefly explain why exercise is so important, I will give you some ideas on what you can do to maximize your chances of losing so limited by the weight of time .

What role does exercise have on the body ? Well, this is not only an important tool in weight control by increasing daily calorie burning . Exercise can reduce the risk of a variety of diseases , such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes. It has a positive effect on your mood by reducing stress levels . It also increases energy levels . Need more reasons to get started?

So the amount of exercise you need to do a week? According to the NHS , by between 19 and 64 to do an adult: 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity ( like cycling ) and two sets of muscle-strengthening activities ( weight) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (such as running ) and two sets of muscle-strengthening activities ( weight) or a mixture of different intensity aerobic activity and two sets of muscle-strengthening activities ( weight). What? I bet you stopped reading before you!

But the problem is that you really have time to do ? Well, if you do a great. Jogging, cycling, walking , or formed in, either. Any exercise you do will help you lose weight. Just search online for the amount of calories you burn doing your business, an application on your phone, then do not forget to eat up to 500 calories less per day than their consumption of extra calories to your BMR (you can find your rate basal metabolism (BMR ) online). If you have time , do not despair , even a few minutes a day is better than nothing.

Here are some simple exercises you can do at home to burn calories - do not forget to warm up before :

Squat Jumps - Squat and explosive pop up ( 2 sets of 20)

Star jumps - Go to open the arms and legs ( 2 sets of 20)

Lunges - Step forward with one leg bend both knees ( 2 sets of 20)

Burpees - Stand up straight , then drop to squat and pull your legs in a position of the press -up , then go jump and explosive power (2 sets of 20)

You can see a video demonstration of the latest ! The unit above session should take about 10 minutes. For this, five times per week . For maximum impact , do so before breakfast, that way you will burn leftover food in the stomach forcing your body to burn its fat reserves as fuel. It also put in place for a great day , you will feel after a healthy breakfast ! Once you get good at this change training - your body will get used to this routine after 8 weeks reduced the effectiveness of the movements.

And if you do not even have 10 minutes ? Well, you can make subtle changes to the day to increase the burning of calories. Stand for at least 15 minutes every hour , even if it's just standing at her desk at work. They get the kids? Play with them ! Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Make a great cleaning while you watch TV . Even cooking a standing increase burn calories and make your food taste even better ! To be honest, and you may think that your common sense !

Suddenly, I am well aware of the irony of writing this session ! However, I went for a bike ride before!

Pav Bryan - Owner & Coach
Pav cycling coach Bryan
Wattbike Advanced Testing and Training

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