samedi 1 mars 2014

The Amazing Ab workouts with a medicine ball

By Cliff Pope

To really get those rock hard abs you want, you have to hit all areas of your torso. A great feature to use for this is certainly a medicine ball . Here are some exercises to help you achieve your goal for solid ABS .

A . The Twist - For this exercise , go ahead and take socio a friend to help you . You do not have to kneel you can stand too . Duck and support yourself back-to- back with your partner keeping tight heart , twist to the right with the ball in hand in hand, and go to your partner. Then turn right to recover the medicine ball . Rinse and repeat for 50 seconds .

Two . This next exercise is fun, just be sure to keep in mind so that you can catch the ball. Stand facing a wall, holding the medicine ball chest , about 3 feet , feet to keep separate and slightly bend your knees shoulders. With great force , throwing the ball against the wall of his chest, then be ready to catch the ball when it bounces . Bring the ball to the chest before withdrawing , and of course be ready to catch !

Three . Medicine Ball Hits - For this exercise, you want to start with a light medicine ball and work your way to avoid injury . Start by holding a ball with two hands and a couple in front of you . Throw the ball to your partner bowel and bounces once your partner gets . Once he or she was caught , go ahead , throw the medicine ball to you. Just be sure not to touch the ball after a fall.

April. Finally, another great workout that you can do with a ball , is the sit-up -ball medicine. For this exercise also need a partner , sitting and looking at each other . Relax with your feet firmly stick together and firmly on the floor while holding the ball with both hands. While lying on the ground , carrying the ball over and you do a sit -up . As you bring your torso to throw the ball over his head and he or she will catch up and then down . Once again they both throw the ball to you. This work greatly your abs

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