samedi 1 mars 2014

Great ab workouts to help you get that six pack

By Cliff Pope

Here are a couple of different workouts to help sculpt this great six pack you 've always wanted for the summer. Just keep in mind, for best results you want to have a good diet and a good cardio routine too .

Swiss Ball Crunches : Lay on a Swiss ball with your back parallel to the floor and your feet shoulder width apart , raise your arms upwards with toes pointing toward the ceiling. Tighten your core muscles and lift your torso up to the ball and keep this position for about three seconds and then lower yourself back to the position from which it started. To do this for about 15 reps for 3-5 sets .

Turn Crunches - Lie on your back , either on the floor or carpet . Place both hands behind your head and lift your legs in parallel from the ground. Turn the hips, while tightening the obliques and bring your right elbow towards the left knee. Return to your starting position, then bring your left elbow to your right knee . Repeat this ten times on each side or more for really hot abs !

Bench leg raises - Do you take a bench and lie on it with your back straight. Be sure to take your hands on your head and keep the end of the bench for stability when going through the motions. Lift your legs perpendicular to take to the bank , make sure your legs all the time. In this position , lift the lower torso up keeping the legs up towards the ceiling and hold for three seconds. Then do return to the starting position and repeat ten repetitions .

Keep President - Make this gesture will make you look a little silly , but you 'll be happy when bikini season arrives and everything you need for this exercise is a sturdy chair . With fingers pointing toward your knees , place your hands on the edge of the chair. Tighten your heart and raise your feet upward about five inches off the ground . Make sure your background is in the chair. Keep you up to about 10 to 20 seconds. If you feel daring you , why not try 30 seconds? Back position and then repeat . To do this, for 1-2 minutes.

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