lundi 31 mars 2014

The basic structure and function of human kidney

By Carolyn Hutchinson

Although the kidney are relatively small relative to the bodies of the brain and heart , that are essential for the process of removal of water and debris from the bloodstream. The fact that the body is constantly producing waste as a by -product of metabolism means that your kidneys have to work day and night to protect the body against the potentially harmful effects of excessive water and debris quantities can cause. People suffering from kidney damage often lose their ability to remove these particles in the blood for a long period of time and must rely on a machine to filter blood for them. When more than 80 % of the capacity is lost filtration , dialysis or renal transplantation can be the only option for survival. Unfortunately, the number of people with end stage renal disease has increased in recent years and has become more important than ever for dialysis professionals to educate the public on the structure, function and kidney health .

In most cases , the human has an average of two kidneys which are located on both sides of the body at the bottom of the abdominal cavity . Each kidney is somewhat protected from external aggression by the lower set of ribs. In the kidney , there are several structures referred as nephrons anatomical components containing all necessary to selectively remove particles in the blood. Renal arteries carry blood nephron , where they travel through a set of capillaries called glomeruli. These small blood vessels are so small that only allow red blood cells to pass in single file. Each glomerulus rests in a cup-shaped formation of cells known as Bowman's capsule . This capsule contains a permeable membrane containing holes large enough for children as the water tubes and waste collection through particles. These tubes carry the filtrate through a series of loops that allow the body to absorb and excrete the nutrients can still wear particles were not previously filtered . The liquid remaining in the tubes were sent to the bladder , where it is stored as urine until it can be excreted .

The kidneys are able to remove water and waste from the blood without losing energy through a couple of simple scientific principles that describe the movement of solutes and solvents. The first principle is known as diffusion and said solute ( dissolved in the water particles ) are moved through a membrane permeable to areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration until the concentration of the particles of each side is equal . This is the process that occurs when the waste is filtered from the blood into Bowman's capsule . As the sample tubes are constantly glomerular filtered shunt, the gradient is always maintained and waste is moved out of the vessels.

The second major renal filtration is known as the principle of osmosis and said solvents such as water moves from areas of low concentration of particles in the areas of high concentration of particles in order to maintain balance through a membrane permeable . Essentially , water is solutes through the membrane in order to maintain the balance of the concentration of particles on both sides of the membrane . While the kidneys filter often more water than is necessary to avoid an unhealthy accumulation in the body , there are gradients of salt along the path to allow the body of the bladder takes up water from the filtrate you can still use . The act of regulating the amount of water removed from the blood is the process used to concentrate and dilute urine .

People suffering from kidney failure are often unable to filter out potentially harmful particles in the blood and usually depend on a procedure called dialysis to stay alive . Dialysis uses a machine outside the body to remove the water and debris that normally filtered by the kidney . Dialysis machines are designed to filter the blood using the same principles used in the scientific body . Although dialysis can not fully compensate for renal failure, which can prolong the life and improve health outcomes for people with ESRD .

Persons considering the dialysis industry as a potential career path to learn more about profession visit is recommended . Here , visitors can find details on education , training and certification requirements in all 50 states , as well as data on end-stage renal disease and dialysis process . A proactive approach to learn more about the industry is a good way to prepare for the job search process and can help accelerate progress in the art itself.

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