By Lorinne Yen
Posted Lorinne Yen
A bunion is a swollen, painful bump on the joint that connects the big toe. It's just a bump , but a more serious foot problem . The pain you feel is due to irritation of the soft tissues surrounding the area of the big toe . If not handled properly, it can get worse with time.
Are you at risk to have onions ? Find out if you have one or more of the common risk factors .
A . During pronation of the foot is one of the most common reasons for the development of bunions. During pronation is when the foot is too deep for normal function . When a person overpronates , body weight is concentrated towards the midline . Accordingly , the entire weight of the body passes through the big toe joint , resulting in the formation of onions .
Two . Preexisting ankle sprains foot, foot fractures and loose ligaments may also lead to disease .
Three . In general, foot disorders are highly heritable . Similarly , the gene is a known risk factor for the formation of onions . It is estimated that bunions are inherited in four cases out of ten.
April. Another common risk factor is the fall . This is associated with deposits of uric acid in the joint , usually the toe joint disease or onion .
May The use of shoes too tight, especially large fingers shoes can put pressure on the big toe . High heels also cause pressure on the ball-joint , as they tend to push the weight on the forefoot.
6 . Onions are also common in ballet dancers . This is because the feet are subjected to a repetitive stress .
7 . The incidence of onions also increases with age.
8 . Women are more likely to develop the condition.
9 . Having flat feet both increase the risk of low arches or onions .
10 . People who work in occupations that involve a lot of walking and standing are more sensitive . Therefore , onions are common among people in retail, healthcare, food service , food preparation , education , service delivery, etc. .
There are several ways to manage painful bunions . These include the application of ice packs, taking painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin, which has foot hot soak , using the most appropriate shoe, and the use of pads . Onions do not usually require surgical excision unless the pain becomes debilitating .
The only permanent way to treat onion onions is . No traditional surgery and the last treatment, surgery without scars onion . Discuss with your foot doctor about your options.
Ending the misery of onions with minimal recovery time , and most importantly, very little or no scarring . For more information on the treatment of onions and onion , visit .
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